12 Aralık 2017 Salı

MATCA artspace (season 2018)Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CARPET`S PATTERN: 15 Dec @ 19.00// Calea Turzii 18

Nikolay Karabinovych (UKR)
Conny Blom (SWE)
Mădălina Găceanu (RO)
Džiugas Šukys (LT)
Sinasi Gunes (TU)

Curator: Alexandru Muraru

Visits after the opening event require reservation. You can contact us on our page or at the following phone number: 0745584622

Memory is the source of self knowledge; the mystical aura of the present will later be negotiated in the future; conscience emanates from itself, for itself. Motivation explained by urgent needs justifies cruelty. The decision-making factors become incomprehensible when extrapolated; coagulation of desires under the oppression of necessity legitimizes malignant manifestations that will become chronical. The need for adhesion is a purpose in itself, a millennial remnant of the biological evolution modeled by environment; it goes beyond the barriers of operational cooperation aimed at ensuring survival- old organic constructs become synthetic- anachronistic ideologies. Perpetual propagation of circles, heaps that intercourse, dominates, change, love, and kill one another. The crowd becomes individual- unanimity. Ignorance is the symptom of satisfying the essential minimum and the blanket that ensures deep sleep, where the dream of one is the reality of another. Inequality creates barriers and vice versa. It is necessary to search for a common language. We are the same, we feel the same- the environment defines the absorption of information bounded by context and biology, on which the human being is structured.

Sursa proceselor de conștiință este amintirea; aura mistică a prezentului, va fi mai târziu negociată de viitor; conștiina se emană de la sine, către sine. Motivația explicată de nevoia urgentă își justifică cruzimea. Factorul decizional devine neînțeles când e extrapolat; coagularea dorințelor sub opresiunea necesității legitimează manifestări maligne ce se cronicizează. Nevoia de adeziune e un scop în sine, o rămășiță a mileniilor de evoluție biologică modelată de mediu; ea depășește barierele cooperării în scopuri operaționale, menite să asigure supraviețuirea- constructe organice vechi devin sintetice; ideologii anacronice. Propagare perpetuă de cercuri, grămezi ce se întrepatrund, se domină, se schimbă, se iubesc și se ucid. Mulțimea devine individ, unanimitate. Ignoranța este simptomul satisfacerii minimului esențial și pătura care asigură somnul adânc, unde visul unuia este realitatea altuia. Inegalitatea crează bariere și vice versa. Se impune căutarea limbajului comun. Suntem la fel, simțim la fel- mediul definește absorbția informației marginită de context și de biologicul pe care se structurează ființa umană.
Alexandru Muraru

23 Nisan 2017 Pazar

Filmideo 2017, New York, USA

12th Annual Film and Video Screenings.
Filmideo is a yearly event, that celebrates the great diversity and work of independent filmmakers and video artists from around the globe. Since 2006, “Filmideo” has been organized as an annual event to promote video and film formats in a fine arts exhibition environment. For over a decade, over 10,000 attendees have been given the opportunity to view a variety of digital media expressing many different narratives and socio-political currencies. “Filmideo” is an open-ended discourse that educates visitors via the multiplicity of narratives as illuminated in the video and film selections presented each year. 

Screenings: 6 - 10pm
Index Art Center: Saturday April 22 and 29
Newark Museum: Saturday, May 6

Filmideo DAY 2 (Evening Session)

Anne Dushanko Dobek: Promises, Promises (NJ) 3:51
Tracy DiTolla: Skewed Consciousness (Wyckoff, NJ) 5:41
Dina Fiasconaro: Pucky's Pappagallo  (Baltimore, MD) 5:00
Ursula Pelczar: The Blessing (UK) 3:29
Emmanuel Manoli Vozos: To Build A Fire (Union, NJ) 7:21
Heath Schultz: Typologies of Whiteness, White People Love Police (Austin, Texas) 5:22
Sinasi Gunes: Anatolia (Istanbul, Turkey) 2:21
Lingyun Zheng: A Tomato Is Not A Tomato (NY) 4:41
Heather Stratton: American Defiance, Pray for Us (Lexington, Kentucky) 3:30
Patrick Moser: The Game (St .Augustine FL) 2:22
Quinn Lachler: Losing It (2015) (Buffalo, NY) 2:19
Michael DiFeo: Title Redacted (NJ) 1:51
Anaïs Duplan:  I Think That I Can Love It (Jacmel, Haiti) 2:24
Andrea Leoni: LINE (Rome, Italy) 3:35
Josh Jordon: Breakthru 1992 (Brooklyn) 4:47


Filmideo is sponsored by our neighbors 27 Mix and Kilkenny Alehouse.

Index Art Center
237 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Gallery ph. 862-218-0278

15 Mart 2017 Çarşamba

Çukurova Sanat Günleri / Cukurova Art Days

Seçiciliğini yaptığım Efes Uluslararası Video Programı Gösterimi 11. Uluslararası Çukurova Sanat Günleri kapsamında Adana ve Mersin'de gerçekleştirilecek.
Çukurova Sanat Günleri, 2007 yılından bu yana her yıl Mart ya da Nisan aylarında gerçekleşen bir bölgesel festivaldir. Bir çok kentte eş zamanlı olarak yapılacak 2017 etkinliklerine sayıları çok sayıda sanatçı katılacak. Festival, bölge ülkelerinin içinde bulundukları zor koşulları yeni medyanın, yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin yardımıyla aşmayı hedeflemekte. 

Ephesus International Video Art Program, curated by me, will be screened in Adana and Mersin within the scope of  11th. International Cukurova Art Days.
Çukurova Art Days is a regional festival that takes place every March or April since 2007. The numerous artists from different countries are invited to attend this festival of art in 2017, which will take place in many cities. The festival will go beyond the boundaries of the regional countries via new media.


March, 24th. 2017, 19:00 Altın Oran Art Gallery - Adana

"Video in context of contemporary art", introduction talking by Tahir Ün. 

Sanatçılar / Artists (Adana)

Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani, Aliénor Vallet, Anastasia Levina, Carlos Alonso Cruz Martínez, Eija Temisevä, Fenia Kotsopoulou, Karolien Soete, Muriel Montini, Rrose Present, Sandrine Deumier, Simru Hazal Civan, Sofia Makridou & Theodora Prassa, Şinasi Güneş, Şirin Bahar Demirel, Tahir Ün, Teresa Leung

March, 25th. 2017, 19:15 MFD Hall / Mersin Photography Association - Mersin

"Video in context of contemporary art", introduction talking by Tahir Ün. 

Sanatçılar / Artists (Mersin)

Adrián Regnier Chávez, ClaRa ApaRicio Yoldi , Eden Mitsenmacher Tordjman, Jennida Chase & Hassan Pitts, Matt Dombrowski, Paweł Stasiewicz, Silvia De Gennaro, Simru Hazal Civan, Şinasi Güneş, Şirin Bahar Demirel, Tahir Ün 

20 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi

Ephesus Video Art Program, February 25, 2017, İzmir

Büyük Efes Otel

Gazi Osman Paşa Bulvarı No:1 Alsancak, 35210 İzmir, Turkey
Saturday, February 25 at 4 PM - 6 PM UTC+0

Within the Grand Efes Art Days program

Screening: Ephesus Video Art Program

Video Artists:
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani, Adrián Regnier Chávez, Aliénor Vallet, Anastasia Levina, Carlos Alonso Cruz Martínez, claRa apaRicio yoldi, Eden Mitsenmacher, Eija Temisevä, Fenia Kotsopoulou, Jennida Chase & Hassan Pitts, Karolien Soete, Matt Dombrowski, Muriel Montini, Paweł Stasiewicz, Rrose Present, Sandrine Deumier and Alx P.op, Simru Hazal Civan, Sofia Makridou & Theodora Prassa,
Şinasi Güneş, Şirin Bahar Demirel, Silvia De Gennaro, Tahir Ün, Teresa Leung

Conversation: Video Art as Contemporary Art Form (in Turkish).

Nail Özlüsoylu - Curator
Tahir Ün - Artist/Curator
Prof. Ümit Atabek - Instructor at Faculty of Communication in Yasar University