20 Ağustos 2012 Pazartesi

9th One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau, Switzerland, 2012

Water City, Şinasi Güneş


1. 9th One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau, Switzerland

2. Catalogue is online!

3. Zer0*Hotel

1. 9th One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau, Switzerland (18. - 21. August 2012)

Beside the international competition, which is the heart of the festival, the visitors can discover also a huge filmselection of other 1minute festivals from around the world. Altogether there are about 1000 One Minutes shown during the four days of the festival. Come and enjoy comedy, drama, philosophy and creativity in the rhythm of a minute.

The jury will award six prizes in the following categories: fiction and documentary, art and experimental, animation, youth (U20)/school and the best argovian film. Each juryprize includes 500.- CHF and a One Minute Award (Best Argovian 1000.- ). The seventh award will be chosen by the audience. A digital camcorder is waiting for the winners, sponsered by HomeElectronic. The awards show will take place on Sunday at 8:00 pm. Beside the competition you will also have the possibility to watch selections of other film festivals, to visit a workshop or join an instant competition called: One Hollywood Classic in One Minute & One Take. On Sunday the filmmakers' brunch will take place.

2. Catalogue is online!

Visit www.oneminute.ch to download the catalogue or scroll trough the program online. There you will find information about the selections, workshops and all the highlights at the festival.

3. Zer0*Hotel

We can offer you a place to sleep for free in our Zer0*Hotel in Aarau. The only thing you need is a sleeping bag. Opening hours: Thursday, August 16th 16.00 - Monday, August 21st 11.00. Reservation: until August 15th via: info(at)oneminute.ch It's no problem to drop in spontaneously, we'll arrange something for you!

You can find all the details on our website: www.oneminute.ch

Looking forward to welcome you soon in Aarau!

The One Minute Team


One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau


CH5001 Aarau


8 Ağustos 2012 Çarşamba

International Multimedia Art Festival Yangon, Myanmar, 2012

New Zero Art Space

Although boundaries and identity crisis of Myanmar art scene remained mostly unchanged,
some of the next generations artists were trying to step foot in the discovery of new media art. If we go
back to the late 1990, we found some of the artists initiated art using new technology and medium. In
1999, artist AyeKo has created art works using photo art and he used video art in his solo exhibition. In
2004, artist Nyein Chan Su had created a video art named who is it. In 2011, By leading of Artist Aye Ko,
28 artists including New Zero next generations were creating video, photo and installation art works and
exhibiting new media art show at Lawkanat gallery.
Now, in 2012, our New Zero art space, for the first time, wanted to build a concrete bridge of new art
medium for Myanmar art society and decided to hold this international multimedia art festival IMMAF.
Multimedia art is an innovative discipline which seeks to unify a large range of art forms including
installation, painting, film, literature, performance, music and sound, drama, visual arts or design. In
IMMAF, we plan to display video art, installation art and performance art mediums.
· We received over 500 artworks from internationally on the process of opening calls.
· Finally, we had chosen following artists and their works to participate in IMMAF.
· We chose these artworks upon the artist’s idea, innovation and strong emotion upon creativity.

Video Art
1. Indra Widi
2. Joas-Sebastian Nebe
3. Geral VOARTE
4. joas sebastian (berlin)
5. yong gu shin
6. krisnart
7. Alfred Banze
8. Silvio De Gracia
9. Teatro Deluxe
10. Lee Hyung suk
11. Waldek Leitner
12. Geral VOARTE
13. Gunilla Leander<kontakt@gunillaleander.com>
17. Ronald Bazil aka Cheby
18. Rol and Cros
19. Ronald Bazil aka Cheby
20. Rol and Cros
22. SLAWOMIR J Milewski
23. Pablo Rosero
24. Konstantin Adjer
25. Alexis Kyle Mitchell
28. Bnadu Manamperi
29. Sylvia Schwenk
30. Chun Hua Catherine Dong
31. Henry Gwiazda
32. Colin Story
33. Azadeh NILCHIANI
34. Lee Huyung-suk< film@paran.com>
36. CLAUDIA LARCHER< clar@kunstmafia.com>
37. Clara Antunes
38. Tamara Erde< tamaricapari@gmail.com>
39. Elisabeth Smolarz< elisabeth@smolarz.com>
40. SINASIG< sinasig@gmail.com>
41. Gunilla Leander< kontakt@gunillaleander.com>
43. Johannes Gerard
44. ROGGER BASCO< rggrb@yahoo.com>
45. Virginie Hamel <virginielhamel@gmail.com>
46. Krisna Murti < krisnart@melsa.net.id>

Magmart Festival, Italy, 2012

purgatory, Şinasi Güneş

Magmart VII edition
696 videos, by 455 artists, from 64 nations.

7 Ağustos 2012 Salı

Im[m]agine Objet d’art International Project of Mail Art and Digital Art, Italy, 2012


Objet d’art

International Project of Mail Art and Digital Art

30th to September 9th 2012

Multipurpose hall, Piazza Costituzione Quiliano (Savona)

Thursday, August 30th 2012, 5.30 p.m.

Critical Essay by Alida Gianti

Catalogue in the exhibition

The exhibition will be open during the following times:

Tuesday to Thursday: 5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.

Friday to Sunday: 8.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.

It will be closed on Monday



The Councillorship for Culture of the Municipality of Quiliano in collaboration with SACS (Space of Contemporary Experimental Art) has organized a mail art project, which title is Im[m]agine, dedicated to the “objet d’art” (art object).

The theme Im[m]agine has allowed the artists to spread their freest imagination to show the brightest and most wonderful aspects of the mail art.

Artists have been therefore invited to create a small-size art object, that was easy to send by post.

As usual, SACS has dedicated a section to digital images and videos, too.

261 artists from 30 countries all over the world participated in this event, for a total amount of 292 artworks.

International Project of Mail Art and Digital Art

Edited by Renato Cerisola and Cristina Sosio

Patronage: International Institute of Ligurian Studies - Section Sabatia

Technical support: Cultural Association Govonis, for the promotion of Free Software

Sponsorship: Cassa di Risparmio di Savona (Savings Bank of Savona)

Infopoint: Cultural Department of the Municipality of Quiliano - ph. 0039 19 2000511

Office of the Secretary to the Mayor - ph. 0039 19 2000503

SACS: www.sacsarte.net - E-mail: info@sacsarte.net

Artisti/artist:Accarini Riccardo - Accigliaro Walter - Ad Hoc Grupo De Acción Poética - Albano Irene - Albertone Germana - Alcalde Soberanes José Luis - Aliotis Anêla - Alliri Venturino Silvana - Andolcetti Fernando - Antonielli Adriana - Aoch - Alexander Ocheretyansky) - Arauz Nelly - Ardau Barbara E Di Caterino Mimmo - Baciu Raluca Oana - Balboa Garnica Jorge - Baldassini Paola - Baracchi Tiziana - Battaglia Paolo - Bellarosa Mariano - Bellini Giuliana - Bellusci Antonio - Bericat Pedro - Bertola Carla - Bertola Carla - Bertorelli Luciana - Besson Alberto - Black Darrel Urban - Bogliacino Mariella - Bolgiaghi Emilio - Bonanno Giovanni - Bonari Adriano - Boschi Anna - Bosco Rosa - Bossi Cecilia - Bottari Paolo - Botto Cesare/Bondi Ober - Bouws Renee - Boyer C. Daniel - Bragato Gioacchino - Brombin Alice - Brombin Piero - Bruzzese Cinzia - Bruzzone Franco - Burgaud Christian - Caccavale Alfonso - Cafiero Virginia - Canepa Luigi Francesco - Capuano Guido - Carantani Maurizia - Carboni Gaetano - Carmellino Michele - Carrasco Gutierrez Emilio - Casaburi Marcela - Cassaglia Bruno - Cerisola Renato - Chew Karen - Chiarlone Bruno - Corporación Semiótica Galega - Corsitto Carmela - Cosentino Annalisa - Costa Giulio - Crescini Giovanna - Cruz Carlos - Csaba Pál - Cuciniello Natale - Davalli Daniele - De Cullá Daniel - De Gracia Silvio - De Gregori Gabriella - De Marchi Gherini Antonio - De Marchi Guido - Del Giudice Claudia - Di Donato Mario - Di Michele Antonio - Di Nardo Maria Teresa - Dietrich Konrad - Diotallevi Marcello - Duro Gianfranco - Falsaci Massimo - Fanna Roncoroni Mariapia - Ferraris Franca Maria - Fiammingo Patricia - Filardi Giuseppe - Filippetta Mariano - Finetti Anna - Folco Carla - Follin Maurizio - Formenti Raffaella - Formigoni Roberto - Frangione Nicola - Frontini Eliana - Fuhrmann Thorsten Fulgor C.Silvi - Gámez Ramirez Osmara - Gazana Cleber - Gazzoni Alda e Mariani Gianluca - Gelosi Valentina - Giambarresi Nella - Giullo Nélida María - Grandinetti Claudio - Gravina Giuseppina - Gruberova Goepfertova Gertruda - Grundmann Elke - Gruppo Sinestetico - Gubinelli Paolo - Güneş Şinasi - Guroga - Gwiazda Henry - Halbritter Roland - Hall Scott F. - Heck Christian - Helsingor Fleur - Herman Valentine Mark - Iacomucci Carlo - Ice Dog (Bruno Cassaglia, Alessandra Cevasco, Cristina Sosio) - Isaila Ion - J. Ricart - Jean Conníe - Jimenez Miguel Zenon - Joe Emily - John Held, Jr. - Johnson Jonathan - Kamperelic Dobrica - Kim Seong Sil - Kovieraite Vaiva - Krarup Steen T. - Kulemin Edward - Kuźniar Elżbieta - La Spesa Rosanna - Laschi Luciano - Leigh Michael - Lenoir Pascal - Limarev Alexander / S-Hybrid - Liuzzi Oronzo - Lorenzi Giuseppe - Luigetti Serse - Lunar Suede - Mabi Col - Macchia Laura - Maggi Ruggero - Mailarta - Mainardi Renê - Mantisi Cristina - Marchesa Giuliana - Marchese Carmelo - Marcolini Arnaldo - Mariani Giancarlo - Marongiu Giosuè - Martina Roberto - Martinelli Michele - Mattila-Tolvanen Anja - Mautone Michele - Metzli Nuria - Mikedyar / Eat Art - Mittendorf Henning - Mohallatee David - Molinari Mauro - Montano Maria Grazia - Montserrat López Ortiz Aida - Morandi Emilio - Moreno Jesus Manuel - Murasecchi Gianluca - Murnau Michael - Murphy Peter - Nardi Cesare&Sanguinetti Daniele - Navas Dominguez Ivonne - Navone Maby - Neiva Bruno - Newman Jeremy - O’donoghue Aka Ocusonic Paul - Olbrich O. Jürgen - Olivares Anna - Oliveri Anita - Osowski Francis & Leonie - Pacheco Acuña Orlando Nelson - Pani Marialuisa - Passoni Enrica - Paz Hilda - Pénard Rémy - Pennacchi Walter - Perone Gennaro - Pertone Silvano - Pervin Evalajka - Peter Hide-311065 (Franco Crugnola) - Petrucci Pasquale - Picardi Antonio - Piemonti Lorenzo - Pilcher Barry Edgar - Pinkheron - Piri Focardi Franco - Pontes Hugo - Pozzi Veronique+Tono Attilio - Priori Tiziana - Prota Giurleo Antonella - Pucci Giancarlo - Quaglia Gianluca - Rasetta Gelsomina - Restrepo Echeverri Tulio - Ribas Marinho Dorian - Riccetti Giuseppe - Ricci Rossella - Rietti Alessandro - Rigole Veronique - Riri Negri - Robutti Giorgio/Sellerio Elena - Romanin Sabina - Romeo Claudio - Rosmini Tiziana - Rossi Lorenza - Rossi Serena - Rounds Elaine M. - Ruggiero Enzo - Ruiz- Ruiz Manuel - Sainz Serrano Manuel - Salanitro Enzo - Sansevrino Sergio - Satijadi Evie - Savoi Alba - Scala Roberto - Scerbo Mariarosa - Sebaste Salvatore - Sechi José Roberto - Severino Domenico - Shmuel - Sidac / Franzen Piet - Simonetti Iara - Snappy - Solamito Luigino - Sonnenfeld Mark - Sordi Alberto - Sosio Cristina - Spagnuolo Lucia - Stagnaro Umberto - Starace Salvatore - Tibor Urban - Tissone Armando - Tomasetti Claudio - Tome Sidney - Torraco Giuseppe Luca - Traverso Lacchini Elisa - Triantis Aristotelis - Ün Tahir - Valceleau Cristina - Valdor - Valente Vittorio - Van Den Berg Anke - Van Geluwe Johan - Vasile Gianfranco - Venier Emanuela - Veronesi Rosanna - Verrua Pier Luigi - Vidal Fidel - Viers Alicia - Vitacchio Alberto - Viti Piero - Vulic Darko - Warren Simon - Wolfgang Guenther - Wube Ezra - Zilling Bernhard

9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Freedom of Memory, A Virtual Memorial Phnom Penh 2012, videoart in a global context

Freedom of Memory

Freedom of Memory
A Virtual Memorial Phnom Penh 2012
videoart in a global context


12-15 July 2012 @ META House Phnom Penh

Shortly before I depart to Phnom Penh,
I would like to point to the screening of your video listed below

5. A Matter of identity
Rafael Blum (France) - Princess Dream: Manila, 2011, 3:00
Lena Nosenko (Ukraine) – Wait form me, 2010, 4:35
Cynthia Whelan (UK) - Selfportrait, 3:27, 2005
Ellen Wetmore (USA) - Portrait After Dora Maar, 2010, 2:00
Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir (Iceland) - Toilet, 2005, 5:00
Shigeo Arikawa (Japan) - Her Ironical Me, 2008, 15:00
Beatrice Allegranti (UK) - IN MY BODY, 2005, 4 min
Athanasia Leivaditou (Greece) - 1,6 S.M. OF LIFE, 2010, 7:12
Sinasi Gunes (Turkey) - Anatolia, 2009, 3:00
Agricola de Cologne (Germany) - Silent Cry, 3:05, 2008
Fran Orallo (Spain) – The Life in White, 2006, 7:48

19 Haziran 2012 Salı

Ionian International Digital Film Festival(CologneOFF 2012 - videoart in a global context) / VIDEO LIBRARY "À LA CARTE" 12

Levkas/Greece - 15-22 September 2012

ShaharMarcus (Israel) - Still Burnng, 2009, 2:32
Agricola de Cologne (Germany) - silent Cry, 2008, 3:05
Ellen Wetmore (USA) - Portrait After Dora Maar, 2010, 2:00
Gabriel Shalom (USA) - Beardbox, 2009, 2:4
Athanasia Leivaditou (Greece) - 1,6 S.M. OF LIFE, 2010, 7:12
Lena Nosenko (Ukraine) - Wait form me, 2010, 4:35
Fran Orallo (Spain) - The Life in White, 2006, 7:48
David Rohn (USA) - Construction 1, 2009, 5:00
Sinasi Gunes (Turkey) - Anatolia, 2009, 3:00
Shigeo Arikawa (Japan) - Her Ironical Me, 2008, 15:00
Cynthia Whelan (UK) - Selpfportrait, 2005, 3:40
Lino Strangis (Italy) - Battle Play in Her Mind, 2010, 6:44


Théâtre des Chartreux 105, avenue des Chartreux / 13004 Marseille tel. 04 91 50 18 90
July 11 and July 12, 15h to 17

video library à la carte 2012 / title :::: 231 films, 213 authors, 33 countries Argentina/ Australia/ Austria/ Belarus/ Belgium/ Brazil/ Canada/ China/ Colombia/ Denmark/ France/ Germany/ Greece/ Iceland/ India/ Indonesia/ Ireland/ Israel/ Italy/ Netherlands/ New Zealand/ Norway/ Poland/ Portugal/ Russia/ Slovenia/ South Korea/ Spain/ Sweden/ Switzerland/ Turkey/ United Kingdom/ USA/

3mn41   color   stereo   2011   Turkey
de Sinasi GÜNES
The body who trying to get rid of contractions that cause extinction in the area of the cemetery of represent of death, it actually works to restructure its existence. The body re-exists itself each of contraction. This film clearly shows that the body in a purgatory between the extinction and existance how the resistance is applying against extinction.

7. Berlin Bienali :: ArtWiki

7. Berlin Bienali :: ArtWiki
Berlin Çağdaş Sanat Bienali'nden, aralarında Atalay Yavuz, Burak Arıkan, Cevdet Erek, Ender Gelgeç, Erdal Ateş, Fatma Belkıs Işık, Genco Gülan, Gözde Türkkan, Hüma Birgül,  Ilknur Demirkoparan, Murat Germen, Nihal Martli, Pelin Kırca, Seçkin Aydın, Sena Çevik, Şinasi Güneş, Tahir Ün, Yasam Saşmazer, Yeşim Ağaoğlu, Zeyno Pekünlü gibi 26 ismin de yer aldığı, ArtWiki Projesi...

Sanatçının politik söylem olarak kendisini nasıl ve nerede tanımladığı üzerine kurgulanan 7. Berlin Çağdaş Sanat Bienali 27.Nisan - 1.Temmuz tarihleri arasında gerçekleşecek. Bu yılki ana sergiye, ArtWiki (http://artwiki.org) adıyla oluşturulan bir sanat veritabanı da sanal ortam üzerinde eşlik edecek. 2010 yılında kuratör Artur Żmijewski'nin, aslında gizli ve özel bir durum olarak da nitelenebilecek, politik görüşlerini deşifre etme konuşundaki açık çağrısına yanıt veren 5000 civarındaki sanatçının yer alacağı internet sitesi, Berlin Bienali'nin açılış gününde yayınına başlayacak. Böylece, bienalin sanal bir açılışı da gerçekleşmiş olacak.

Ayrıca, bienalin ön programı çerçevesinde "Wiki yolu" sanatçı ve sanat pazarı için ne gibi fırsatlar sağlıyor? Çağdaş sanat tarihi topluca ve gerçek zamanlı olarak yazılabilir mi? Teknolojinin beraberinde getirdiği riskler nedir? Niçin görsel sanatçılar, sosyal ağları diğer kültür üreticilerinden daha az kullanıyorlar? gibi sorulara yanıtların arandığı bir de panel gerçekleştirildi.

Bienalin sona ermesiyle birlikte, ArtWiki'nin mevcut veritabanı paketlenerek daha uzun süreli koruma amacıyla Berlin Halk Kütüphanesi'ne bağışlanacak. Sonrasında ise, ArtWiki daha fazla sanatçının paylaşımına açılacak.
ArtWiki'nin sanata daha kolay ve demokratik erişimi sağlayabilecek bir yol olacağı umularak yazılan manifestosunda ise, sanat sisteminin seçiçiler ve ön-seçiciler gibi unsurlarla binlerce sanat çalışmasını topladığına, ayrıca galerilerin ve sanat pazarını temsil eden diğer kurumların da sanat çalışmalarını kontrol etmekte hayli iştahlı olduklarına vurgu yapılarak; sanat yapıtının sayısal kopyasının internet üzerinden kamusal anlamda paylaşımının piyasa gereksinimleriyle ne denli çatışacağının sorgulanmak istendiği ifade edilmektedir.
Bu görüşe ek olarak; böylesi bir projenin çağdaş sanat tarihçiliğiyle olan ilişkisine de bir gönderme yapılmaktadır.

© 2012 admin. All rights reserved.

 7th Berlin Biennale/ Art Wiki Project
30 Apr ’12Filed under news.Bookmark the permalink.Leave a Trackback (URL).
Launching with the beginning of the 7th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art the Art Wiki is hosting 1800+ artist profiles. I am pleased to count myself among the first participants in this growing project. My profile is here: http://artwiki.org/Megan_Smith

“ArtWiki.org started with the 7th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art as an open platform for artists to share artist biographies as a free and open historiography for contemporary art.”

…we invited all those who sent materials to become artists of the digital venue of the Berlin Biennale. Together with Berlin-based media activist and writer Pit Schultz we developed ArtWiki, a digital art library based on the model of Wikipedia, which is a sustainable project that will continue into the future. It aims to present artists as political and social entities, to lay open the artistic resources of our society and abandon the typical curatorial stance of a politics of selection and exclusivity. Furthermore, art representation on the Internet has been strongly dominated and positioned by market speculation and financial interests, and artists are often hesitant to upload their work for fear of it being misappropriated or even stolen. ArtWiki is the tool through which we want to extend the Biennale exhibition and create an open, not-for-profit platform for information exchange for artists, their activities, and their political standpoints, to show today’s spectrum of artistic attitudes. ArtWiki is also a form of social contract, which is about free exchange of information and trust—something very unusual in times when the art system is based on fully controlled access to art works, images, and even ideas.

by Joanna Warsza

7 Ocak 2012 Cumartesi

Screening in the Netherlands at 222Lodge in Dordrecht

SBK Dordrecht, Voorstraat 180
222Lodge Extern: The Inevitable.
a one night festival of 10-minute presentations of time-based art.

Playlist (so far):

Bill Aitchison (GB)
Peter Baren (NL)
Russell J. Chartier/Paul J. Botelho (USA)
Denis Dimovski (SRB)
Micheline Durocher (CA)
Leonid Dutov (RUS)
Ohad Fishof (IL)
Efrat Gal (IL)
Şinasi Güneş (TR)
Christina Sukhgian Houle (USA)
Maja Kirovska (MK)
Elad Larom (IL)
Lemeh42 (I)
Frans van Lent (NL)
Christina Linaris-Coridou/Robert Nottrot (GR/NL)
Roy Maayan/Anat Katz (IL)
Mario Matokovic (HR)
Nicola Monopoli (I)
Nico Parlevliet (NL)
Patricia Sousa (P)
Matej Stupica (SLO)
Tami Vibberstoft (DK)
Ellen Wetmore (USA)
Tina Wilgren (SE)
Robert Wittendorp (NL)