23 Aralık 2014 Salı

TIME is Love.8 [Show 1], January 2nd 2015, California, USA

"Love" Şinasi Güneş, Video , 07'49'', 2009

Expressive Arts Institute presents

TIME is Love.8 [Show 1]

Friday, January 2nd 2015

2820 Roosvelt Road #204
San Diego,
California 92106
Free admission
Curated by Kisito Assangni

Az Taleb (Morocco), Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo), Alexandre Braga (Brazil), Anna Sileks (Poland),Anthony Rousseau (France), Carlos Aires (Spain), César Schofield Cardoso (Cape Verde), Cristina Pavesi(Italy), David Blandy (UK), Dorthe Slej Pedersen (Denmark), Ella Manor (Israel), Flavio Sciole'(Italy), Francesca Lolli (Italy), Irina Gabiani (Luxembourg), Isabelle Lutz (Switzerland), Isidora Ficovic (Serbia), Kai Welf Hoyme (Germany), Katia Roessel (Germany), Laura Celada (Spain),Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy), Marc Neys (Belgium), Margarita Novikova (Russia), Michael Meldru &Marina Moreno (UK), Monica Paradela (Spain), Monika K. Adler (Poland), Mouna Jemal Siala (Tunisia), Muriel Montini (France), Nao Sakamoto (Japan), Niclas Hallberg (Sweden), Oreet Ashery (UK), Paako Sallah (Ghana), Danushka Marasinghe (Sri Lanka), Ramia Beladel (Morocco), Rhasaan Oyasaba Manning (USA), Sandrine Deumier (France), Sarawut Chutiwongpeti (Thailand), Sinasi Gunes (Turkey), S/N Coalition (USA), Sydelle Willow Smith (South Africa), Toby Kaufmann-Buhler (USA), Tommy Becker (USA), Triny Prada (Colombia), Tyrone Brown-Osborne (USA), Wolfgang Lehrner (Austria), Yuri Pirondi & Ines Von Bonhorst (Portugal), Yvana Samandova (Macedonia), Zierle & Carter (UK).

TIME is Love is an international video art project gathering several artists. Established in 2008, the program has traveled to major cities in the world attracting a vibrant mix of media professionals, researchers, young people and families.
Preoccupied with love, the project represents love stripped from its traditional clichés and timeless idealism. Each of the artists leads an interdisciplinary practice bringing a questioning and a criticism on a system of relation to others which appears to us as being dying.

Taking these ambivalent feelings as a starting point, the artists develop their own language according to their sensibility and history. The selected videos deal with prevented communications, disturbed feelings, globalisation, memory and spirituality. As a result, each video inspires the viewer to question the normative understandings of relationships in the occidental world

FestArte Videoart festival, 21-30 December 2014, Roma, Italy

FestArte Videoart festival
Dal 21 al 30 dicembre 2014  - FestArte Videoart festival, presenta presso il Caffè letterario di Roma - via Ostiense 95 - con il contributo della Regione Lazio, una rassegna dedicata alla Videoarte Internazionale ed ai suoi linguaggi sempre più intrecciati tra documentario, fiction, mockumentary, cortometraggi…

18 opere da 14 paesi del mondo, nel segno di DONNA e LIBERTÀ, che attraverseranno, tematiche care a Festarte, quali VIOLENZA / RELAZIONI / FAMIGLIA / MONDO.
Si inaugura domenica 21 dic. dalle ore 17 in contemporanea al mercatino creativo natalizio.

Opere dai 2 agli 8 minuti, realizzate da 16 artiste e 6 artisti, in mostra in loop, in un caleidoscopio di visioni e culture, cucite per favorire rimandi, suggestioni, riflessioni.
Immagini di donna e libertà,  immagini dove le castrazioni della vita e le schiavitù mentali sono solo nostre cecità, immagini dove le violenze fisiche sono le violenze del potere che ognuno di noi può sull’altro. Trattati di filosofia in grandi/brevi ricchissime immagini.

12 ore di proiezioni al giorno per  7 intensi giorni dalle 11 del mattino sino a notte inoltrata, per poterne beneficiare all’interno di una location eclettica, un luogo di incontri, una galleria, una biblioteca, un caffè drink&food…

GLI ARTISTI: Lidia Ravviso, Sinasi Gunes, Sabina Grasso, Julieta Maria, Franco Losvizzero, Francesca Romana Pinzari, Yasmijn Karhof, Monica Di Brigida, Stefania Graziani, Paola Traverso, Sara Basta, Elena Bellantoni, Loredana Longo,  Valerio Spinelli, Maria Fernanda Veron, Chiara Mazzocchi, Mariana Wenger, Paola Murias, Sylvia Winkler, Stephan Koeperl, Davide Sebastian, Carlo Stoppa.

Così Lorena Benatti, Direttore artistico del Festival sul tema : “Il Festival è  un’occasione per riconoscersi nelle espressioni degli altri nel mondo, ribadire la diversità delle culture e l’uguaglianza umana, ma è anche  una occasione per far conoscere e mettere a confronto, le diverse sensibilità espressive di giovani artisti di tutto il mondo. Attraverso  opere, quasi sempre autoprodotte possiamo far emergere espressioni artistiche, perlopiù sconosciute, ma di grande significato e valenza socio/ culturale.”

Info e contatti: Press office Propizia – 347.8022999 festarte.segreteria@gmail.com

Info e contatti Festival Ass. Cult. FestArte //  tel. + 39 339.3800603 www.festarte.it

Saint Henri Association, Toulouse, (July- August) France, 2014

Şinasi Güneş 
Özgen Yıldırım

Şinasi Güneş ve Özgen Yıldırım

Saint Henri Association Açık Hava Sergisi

Açık Arttırma

Açık Arttırma

18 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi

WEB VIDEO BIENNIAL:Oct.15-Dec.31 2014


The WEB VIDEO BIENNIAL is a Collaboration Web Art Project directed by the artist José Vieira for the Web Art Center.
From TV sets of 60-70's to present time the ultimate form of dissemination of video art is undoubtedly the internet. Platforms like youtube and vimeo offer artists an affordable dissemination of their work form, facilitating its dissemination by artistic communities. With this project, we intend to present a set of available videos online that, along with some reference names in the history of video art, presents an overview of what is video art and the various forms it takes.

Artists: Adrián R. Chávez (Mx), Alexei Dimitriev (Ru), Arya Putra (Idn), Barbara Oettiger (Cl), Camille Escudero (Fr), Cat del Bueno (USA), Céline Trouillet (Fr), Clara Aparicio Yoldi (Es), Con.Tatto (It), Crstina Pavesi (It), edward Kulemin (Ru), Eric Souther (USA), Justin Lincoln (USA), Leandro Estrella (Ar), Lino Strangis (It), Marta Ivanova (Ru), Matt Dombrowski (USA), Michel Ducerveau (Pol), Rrose Present (Es), Sinasi Gunes (Trk), Spamwangler (Sw), Tuo Wang (Ch), Vijayaraghavan (In), Yuge Zhou (Ch).

Special Appearence: Bill Viola (USA), Bruce Nauman (USA), David Hall (USA), Peter campus (USA), Pipilotti Rist (USA), Nam June Paik (Tw), Vito Acconci (It), Wolf Vostell (De).

Curator: José Vieira



10 Ağustos 2014 Pazar

Everybody's Perfect Invite Make&Believe, Geneva, Switzerland, 2014

Everybody's Perfect Invite Make&Believe,

Neno Belchev, Lukas Beyeler, Heather Cassils, Igor Dewe, Nik Dimopoulos, Santiago Echeverry, Sinasi Gunes, Draga Jovanovic, Rob Fatal & Jessica Leimone, Miguel Libarnes, Pascal Lievre, James Murray, Antonio Onio & Fábio Mota, Roberta Orlando, Jason Penney, Daniel Pinheiro, Red Bind (Gilivanka Kedzior & Barbara Friedman), Phil Shaw, Anna T

Istanbul LGBT Pride 2013, Sinasi Gunes, Video art


SACS - Space Pace Of Contemporary Experimental Art, Italy

October 4th to October 25th, 2014



International Project of Mail Art and Digital Art

Edited by Cristina Sosio and Bruno Cassaglia
Critical review of Sandro Ricaldone
The exhibition is included in the 10th Day of Contemporary,
organized by AMACI (Association of Italian Museums of Contemporary Art)
Patronage: International Institute of Ligurian Studies - Section Sabatia
Sponsorship: De Mari Foundation
Catalogue in the exhibition
Public Library A. Aonzo
Piazza Costituzione, Quiliano (Savona)

Saturday, October 4th, 5.30 p.m.

Performance art: Riccardo Cerulli, Matteo Chiarenza
“Contemplazione immobiliare di uno specchio riversato sul futuro”
Happy hour


October 11th - 10th Day of Contemporary
Extraordinary Opening: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m./ 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.
“DEGUSTAR(T)E” - 5.00 p.m. - Movie projection - 9.00 p.m.
SACS proposes a full day long event, dedicated to all forms of Art: a multisensoral day, dedicated to a balanced fusion of Art, Food and Movie.
THE ART: exhibition of Artist’s Books and projection of Virtual Street Art Installation on the territory of Quiliano.
THE FOOD: shows of cooking art and floral art. Recipes and decorations will be inspired by some artist’s books of the exhibition.
THE MOVIE: movie projection on topics, edited by Cineforum Group of Quiliano.

The exhibition will be open during the following times:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
It will be closed on Sunday and Monday.

Abbona Susana - Albertelli Beatriz - Arauz Nelly - Audagna Cecilia - Bravetti Liliana - Giullo Nélida María - Gonzalez Omar - Gutierrez Marx Graciela - Makrucz Marcela - Marino Adriana Estela - Martinez Maribel - Montagna Ingrid K. - Paz Hilda - Peṅalva Marcos Timoteo - Pezzani Claudia - West Ocampo Alfredo Emilio
Mizzi Denis - Murphy Peter - Osowski Francis & Leonie
King Helmut - Pinter Klaus - Schramm Wilhelm - Sundermann Erich
Fierens Luc / Lienard Franḉois - Gonay Fabienne - Van Geluwe Johan
Adriaff - Austin Ana - B. (Berna Farios) - Bacedônio Paulo - Back Ivone - Caruso Mara - Darmeli Araujo Maria - Erzinger Janos - Gruppo Gralha Azul - Gruppo Toca do Lobo - Herbst Eny - Kronbauer Leite Jussara - Luzzatto Tania - Marasca Soccol Erminia - Monteiro De Almeida Sergio - Neto Celestino - Poltosi Nadia - Pontes Hugo - Presotto Vera - Ribas Marinho Dorian - Sonaglio Heloisa
Vesselinov Vlado
Bertrand Diane - Campbell Lauren J - Lunar Suede - Mailarta - Rounds Elaine - Skeoch Linda - Snappy
Busquets Carolina - Cares Antonio - Espinosa Saldias Alexandra - Pacheco Acuña Orlando Nelson
Mimica Svjetlana
Krarup Steen T.
Mattila Tolvanen Anja
Burgaud Christian - Lenoir Pascal
Buchholz Joachim - Dermani Abdoul Ganiou - Fuhrmann Thorsten - Gruberova Goepfertova Gertruda - Grundmann Elke - Hidir Ok - Janke Eberhard (Janus) - Lakner Susanna / Planet Susannia - Olbrich O. Jürgen (No-Institute) - Ptrzia (Tictac) - Schmidt Simone Sandra - Wagner Michael
Kazuko Ogawa / Kaco - Nakamura Keiichi - Noriko Cohen - Ryosuke Cohen
Coutarelli Demetrios
Andrews Ron - Salomonsen Frances - Wrathmell Annette
“Albertini Elsa / Cobelli Francesca / Bertelli Loredana / Bagossi Davide / Gunaydin Cilga” - Albertone Germana - Alliri Venturino Silvana - Andolcetti Fernando - Aprile Francesco - Archivio Ermanno Besozzi - Baldassini Paola - Ballabeni Franco - Baracchi Tiziana - Barbero Bruno - Baroni Vittore - Bassi Pier Roberto - Bellini Giuliana - Beltramo Sandro - Bentivoglio Mirella - Bergamini Luisa - Bertola Carla - Bertorelli Luciana - Biffi Giorgio - Bogliacino Mariella - Boiocchi Stefano - Bondi Ober - Boschi Anna - Bosco Rosa - Bossi Cecilia - Botto Cesare/Bondi Ober - Briani Erica Pereyra De Leon - Briatore Franca - Brombin Piero - Bruzzone Franco - Caccaro Mirta - Caccavale Alfonso - Cafiero Virginia - Callegari Stefano - Canè Carlo - Caporale Francesco Antonio - Caporaso Angela - Carantani Maurizia - Caravita Lamberto - Carmellino Michele - Cassaglia Bruno - Cavallero Antonietta - Cazzaro Maria Teresa (Selvatica Artista) - Chiarlone Bruno - Ciabattini Monica Monik’art - Crescini Giovanna - Cuciniello Natale - Cuneo Carolina - Davinio Caterina - De Cesario Giorgio - De Marchi Gherini Antonio - Di Michele Antonio - Dietrich Konrad - Diotallevi Marcello - Duro Gianfranco - Falsaci Massimo - Fanna Roncoroni Mariapia - Ferraris Franca Maria - Follin Maurizio - Formigoni Roberto - Frangione Nicola - Franzia Lia - Fulgor C. Silvi - Giambarresi Nella - Giusto Carlo - Gravina Giuseppina - Guano Alessio - Gubinelli Paolo - I Santini Del Prete - Iacomucci Carlo - Jandolo Benedetta - La Spesa Rosanna - Lentini Alfonso - Liuzzi Oronzo - Luigetti Serse - Mabi Col - Macchia Laura - “Maestri Francesco / Cancelli Luca / Galliani Nicole / Icrianni Greta / Bozzi Jessica / Ambrosini Silvia / Gabbio Martina” - Maggi Ruggero - Magnabosco Nadia - Magni Marilde - Mantisi Cristina - Marchesa Giuliana - Marchese Carmelo - Marchionni Angela - Marcolini Arnaldo - Massenet Veronique - Mautone Michele - Medda Italo - Michelotti Monica - Minuto Renata - Molinari Mauro - Montà Fernando - Montoya Nuria-Metzli Nuria - Morandi Emilio - Natali Giuliana - Ober Paolo - Oliveri Anita - Orisol - Paci Fausto - “Palatini Valentina / Pasquini Anna / Bernardi Nicholas / Triulzi Barbara / Silvestri Marco” - Paoli Linda - Pasini Lucia - Patrone Vittorio - Pennacchi Walter - Pennacchia Maria - Peter Hide 311065 - Petrucci Pasquale - Prota Giurleo Antonella - Pucci Alessandra - Repiccioli Paola - Ricci Rossella - Ricciardi Angelo - Riri Negri - Roberto Martina - Romanin Sabina - Rosmini Tiziana - Rossi Camilla - Ruggiero Angela - Ruggiero Enzo - Sansevrino Sergio - Scala Roberto - Severino Domenico - Sevi Elena - Solamito Luigino - Sosio Cristina - Stagnaro Umberto - Stradada Giovanni and Renata - Tomasetti Claudio - Traverso Lacchini Elisa - Vazio Monica - Venier Emanuela - Veronesi Rosanna - Vitacchio Alberto - Viti Piero
Gjorgjievska Elena
Alcalde Soberanes José Luis - Carrasco Gutierrez Emilio - Zavala María Guadalupe
Larsen Torill Elisabeth - Svozilik Jaromir
Bouws Renee - Ko De Jonge
Kruger Antonio Cano (Krugerland)
Kuźniar Elżbieta - Sikorska Danllia
Valcelean Krisztina
Kulemin Edward - Makarova Tatyana - Sorokina Olga
Kamperelic Dobrica
Balboa Garnica Jorge - Bericat Pedro - J. Ricart (Jose Ricart Mir) - Jimenez Miguel Zenon - Sainz Serrano Manuel - Viana Silvia - Vidal Fidel
Rachouti Evmorfia
Günes Sinasi
Csaba Pál - Tibor Urban
Arvello Angel - Bennett John M. Luna Bisonte Prods - Mikedyar / Eat Art - Mohallatee David - Ocheretyansky Alexander - Reid Wood (State Of Being) - Sonnenfeld Mark - Sub-Real Alchemy David Stanley Aponte
La Toan Vinh

S.A.C.S. (Spazio Arte Contemporanea Sperimentale)
Sito web: www.sacsarte.net - E-mail: info@sacsarte.net
Seguici su Facebook/Follow us on Facebook!: http://it-it.facebook.com/sacs.arte
Info: Ufficio Cultura del Comune di Quiliano/Information Office for Culture of Municipality of Quiliano
Email: servizi.cittadino@comune.quiliano.sv.it - tel. 019 2000511
Biblioteca Civica A. Aonzo/ Public Library A. Aonzo
Email: biblioteca@comune.quiliano.sv.it - tel. 019 8878311

9 Ağustos 2014 Cumartesi

“Visitors” International Video Art Activity, St. Henri, Toulouse, France, 2014

Şinasi Güneş (Turkey) Gicir 03:03

Tintin Cooper (UK) Alamtini 02.24

Deng Da Fei (Chine) China Astronaut 07:26

“Visitors” International Video Art Activity, St. Henri, Toulouse, France

14 july 2014

Curator: Şinasi Güneş
Assistant Curator: Özgen Yıldırım

Participating Artists:
Tintin Cooper 
(UK) Alamtini 02.24
Agricola de Cologne (Germany)
 Orfeo Negro 4:20
Deng Da Fei 
(Chine) China Astronaut 07:26
Werther Germondari 
(Italy) Office 03:15
Silvio Javier De Gracia
 (Arjantine) Ego 00:45
Sylvia Winkler & Stephan Koperl (Germany)
 Metro Mexico 02:40
Alberto Magrin 
(Italy) Mary's House 03:00
Gruppo Sinestetico 
(Italy) Cencored 02:30
Jerome Symons 
(Netherlands) How can I forget you? 03:00
Andres Weberg 
(Sweden) For Sore Eyes 02:17
Niki Sehmi
 (UK) Desecration 03:08
Şinasi Güneş (Turkey)
 Gicir 03:03

24 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi

The time of the other video art sample in the CEDINM by the international of the diversity Cultural 21st of may at 9:00 pm at cinema charm, headquarters of FIVAC, Cuba, 2014

Hamlet Armas Pérez, Gleivys Fleites González, Silvia Libertad Avilés Antela, Sinasi Gunes, Anamely Ramos González and Alfredo Fuentes Fernández.

Anatolia, Şinasi Güneş, 02'18'', 2006

MEDIO-MONTE’s Socialisation Society (Project of the European Union), Romania, 2014

Filmele si letter-poemele de mai jos vor fi incluse intr-un performance teatral in iunie 2014
realizat de regizoarea Mihaela Panainte.
The films and letter-poems below will be included in a theatrical performance in June 2014
conducted by director Mihaela Panainte.


The Tuz Lake, Şinasi Güneş, 03'21'', 2013


Gıcır, Şinasi Güneş, Video Art, 03'03'', 2006

9 Ocak 2014 Perşembe

“Ambiguous, Drunk, Dog!” Contemporary Art Exhibition , Cermodern, Ankara, Turkey, 2014

3 Kanallı Video Enstalasyon
Şinasi Güneş

CerModern’in yeni güncel sanat alanı HUB Sanat Mekan, altıncı sergisinde Kitschen Güncel Sanat İnisiyatifi’nin “Müphem , Sarhoş, Köpek” sergisine ev sahipliği yapıyor. 

21.01.2014-01.03.2014 tarihleri arasında görülebilecek olan sergi, yakın dönem siyasi belleğimiz üzerine farklı sanat disiplinlerinden bir araya gelen başkentli sanatçıların gözünden izleyiciye aktarılıyor. 


Sanat eseri olarak ele alınmış bir mermer parçası üzerinde yer alan bir çatlak politik midir? Ya da tek bir nota politik olabilir mi? Sanatsal üretim ister istemez, içinde bulunduğu sosyal hayatın izlerini taşır ve her iz tarihe düşülen politik bir hamle olarak elbette okunabilir. Bu anlamlarıyla sanatsal üretim, pekala politiktir diyebiliriz. Peki, sanatçı açısından bakıldığında; “Politik sanatçı” tanımlaması anlam olarak doğru mudur? Hayır. Çünkü her sanatçı, ister istemez politik olarak bir tarafta durur; yani her sanatçı zaten politiktir.

Ancak, politik olmakla, politik meseleleri doğrudan dert edinmek arasında bir fark olduğunu düşünebiliriz. Bu anlamda bazı işler, sanatçılar ve sergiler politik olmanın ötesinde, politik olmayı doğrudan amaçlarlar.

“Müphem, Sarhoş, Köpek!” başlıklı sergi de politik olmayı hedefler.

Sergi üç metafor üzerinden ilerler: Bunlar, ‘Müphem, Sarhoş ve Köpek’ kelimeleridir. Bu üç kelime bu coğrafyada yaşanan yakın dönem siyasi hayatını mercek altına alır ve alt göndermeleri yakın dönem siyasi deneyimlerimize, pratiklerimize yöneliktir. Sergi, bu tema çerçevesinde yaşanan tüm tartışmaları belleğimizde taze tutmak ve bu tartışmaları ileriye dönük dip dalgaları olabilmesini sağlamayı amaçlamakla beraber, farklı sanat inisiyatiflerinden katılımcıları, akademik kökenli ya da serbest çalışan sanatçıları da bir araya getirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Çünkü, bize göre; “Müşterek belleğimiz olduğuna inandığımız yakın dönem siyasi deneyimlerimiz ve pratiklerimiz bizlere birlikte hareket etmenin, bütünleşmenin, ortak haklarımızı birlikte aramanın ve paylaşmanın önemini hatırlattı.”
Kitschen Güncel Sanat İnisiyatifi

Kitschen Güncel Sanat İnisiyatifi tarafından teması belirlenen ve derlenen sergi, HUB Sanat Mekan’da 21.01.2014 tarihinde verilecek olan açılış kokteylinin ardından, 01.03.2014 tarihine kadar görülebilecektir.

Katılan Sanatçılar: Alper Aydın / Baran Çağinli / İlker Çelen / Serkan Demir / Erdal Duman / Fırat Engin / Elif Varol Ergen / Engin Esen /
Şinasi Güneş / Bora Gürdaş / Aslı Işıksal / Mustafa İlhan / Ekin Kılıç / Deniz Cemal Koşar / Sılacan Köseler / Umay Yılmaz Kutay / Aykut Öz / Seval Şener / Ali Şentürk / Erinç Ulusoy

Adres: Altınsoy Cad. No:3 06101 Sıhhıye, Ankara, Türkiye
T: 0 312 310 00 00 /144
F: 0 312 310 10 00

W: http://cermodern.org/

“Ambiguous, Drunk, Dog!”

New contemporary art space HUB Art Space of CerModern, in its sixth exhibiton is hosting “Ambiguous, Drunk, Dog” exhibition of
Kitschen Contemporary Art Initiative.

In the exhibition which can be seen between the dates 21.01.2014-01.03.2014 the recent period political memory is being transferred to the visitors by the eyes of the artists of the capital which are gathered together from various disciplines. 


Is a crack on a piece of marble which has been considered as an art work political? Or can a single musical note be political? Artistic production is necessarily bears the trace of the social life it is involved and of course each trace can be read as a political move in history. Artistic production in this sense is indeed political. When considered from artist’s point of view; is “Political artist” definition right as a meaning? No. Because each artist necessarily takes a stand politically, thus each artist is already political.

However, we can think that there is a difference between to be political and to occupy oneself directly in political issues. In this sense, some works, artists and exhibitions directly target to be political beyond being political.

The exhibition entitled as “Ambiguous, Drunk, Dog!” also targets to be political. 

Exhibition proceeds over three metaphors: These are the words of “Ambiguous, Drunk and Dog”. These three words hold the recent political life of this geography under a microscope and their sub-references are directed to our recent political experiences, practices. Although the exhibition aims to keep all the discussions fresh under this subject and to ensure that these discussions to be the deep waves of the future, it also targets to gather the participators from various art initiatives and artists with academic origin or those who work individually together. Because, according to us; “Our recent political experiences and practices that we believe that they are our common memory, reminded us the importance of acting collectively, integration, claiming our rights together and sharing.”

Kitschen Contemporary Art Initiative

The exhibition of which the theme was determined and compiled by Kitschen Contemporary Art Initiative, can be visited after the opening cocktail to be held in HUB Art Space on 21.01.2014 until 01.03.2014.

Participating Artists: Alper Aydın / Baran Çağinli / İlker Çelen / Serkan Demir / Erdal Duman / Fırat Engin / Elif Varol Ergen / Engin Esen / Şinasi Güneş / Bora Gürdaş / Aslı Işıksal / Mustafa İlhan / Ekin Kılıç / Deniz Cemal Koşar / Sılacan Köseler / Umay Yılmaz Kutay / Aykut Öz / Seval Şener / Ali Şentürk / Erinç Ulusoy

Address: Altınsoy Cad. No:3 06101 Sıhhıye, Ankara, Turkey
T: 0 312 310 00 00 /144
F: 0 312 310 10 00
W: http://cermodern.org/