10 Nisan 2021 Cumartesi

NewMediaFest2020 '11 - The 365 Days Diary 20 November 2007

 NewMediaFest2020 '11 - The 365 Days Diary

20 November 2007
Today, Wilfried launches one of his most successfull projects - VIP - VideoChannel Interview Project and its 427 interviews with artists from the field of "art & moving images" - in short, he will invite videoartists who joint during the past years - in order to extend the conceptual attemps to give background information about the artistic creation and bridge at the same time the distance between the audience and the artist - read the complete article on - http://retro.newmediafest.org/20-november-2007/ - including interviews by
Ahn, JiHyun - Alastruey, Karlos - Alfarano, Vito
Alvarado, Antonio - Alvesalo, Helena Alvim, Marta - Amaducci, Alessandro - Andric, Andreja Anikina, Alexandra - Apotropia - Arikawa, Shigeo - Arnold, Alice Arrighi, Mauro & Buziol, Marco - Ausherman, Stephen Bachaus, Maureen - Batista, Joacelio - Battey, Bret Bayona, Albert - Berti, Cristiano - Biermann, Gregg
Bilger, Marie Paule - Birke, Lisa - Blank, Isobel - Blinkhorn, Daniel
Bonequi, Julian - Bonfiglio, Paolo - Boswank, Dina
Bowman, Brice - Bradford, Collin - Brotas, Ana
Brucini, Alessandro - Brunelle, Jon Keith - Bundalo, Mladen
Bunkley, Brit - Burchell, Kenzie - Burns, David R.
Cañas, María - Cabrera, Laura - Carballar, Karla
Catalan, Cristobal - Caveney, Larry - Celona, Mike - Chan, Vienne
Charoenmitr, Anupong - Coalfather Industries - Constant, Hervé
Contreras, Marita Copeland, Colette
Coremberg, Irene - Cremona, Cinzia - Curry, Jessica
De Gennaro, Silvia - DeBronhe, Alexei - Deinema, Nynke
Del Buono, Cat - Della Beffa, Carla - Deloscampos, Diego
Dimanche, Guillaume - Diorio, Ron - Djamo, Daniel
Domenico, Cynthia - Domonkos, Bill - Eldagsen, Boris - Eleuteri Serpieri, Virginia - Eng, Angie - Estrada, Alberto
Fini, Francesca - Franco, Anaisa
Frank, Kristina Frank - Fukushima, Yoko - Gabiani, Irina
Gaddini, Michael - Günes, Sinasi - Gee, Erin
Girardi, Guiseppe - Gonsholt, Stine - Graupe Pillard, Grace
Guggisberg, Sonia - Gwiazda, Henry - Hapetzeder, Felice
Hartenstein, Constantin - Hattler, Max - Härenstam, Mattias
Helzle, Wolf - Hood, Denise - Hoyme, Kai Welf Isaenko, Alexander - Joly, Laurie - Jordon, Shelley - Jurado, Andres - Kanders, Kristina - Kapon, Annetta - Khalil, Theresa - Kirbas,
Hamza Kırbaş
- Knoetze, Francois - Korporal, Maria - Kowner, Elyasaf - Krastev, Georgi - Kristiansen, Ulf - Lake, Ellen
Laufer, Tammy Mike - Leister, Elizabeth - Leivaditou, Athanasia - Les Riches Douaniers - Lienemann, Enoh - Lily & Honglei - Lima, Dellani - Lunardi, Marcantonio Lykoka, Christina - Magrin, Alberto - Marczan, Nina - Mehrvarz,
Mani Mehrvarz
- Merino, Albert - Miliskovic, Branko - Morse, Barry
Mouton, Alexander - Neufeldt, Brigitte
Nicolela, Kika - Nilsson, Jonas - Nishri, Miri - O’Reilly, Marianna & Daniel - O’Sullivan, Richard - Oldenburg, Aaron - Olsson, Eva - Orta, Julio - Otero, Gabriel - Paiva,
Margarida Paiva
rida - Papadopoulou, Gioula - Pasolini, Antonio - Pavesi, Cristina - Peña, William - Perez del Pulgar, Isabel - Piatek, Maciej - Prada,
Lisi Prada
- Pu, Shuai Cheng - Puller, Gunter - QNQ - Quelven, Roland - Reyes- Bassail, Emilio - Rosenthal, Benjamin - Ross, Elizabeth
Rrose ® present - Sainz, Ausin - Saito, Mikio - Salmanis, Krišs
Sanhueza, Mauricio - Sansour, Larissa - Sant, David Anthony
Savela, Antti - Scacchioli, Fabio - Seward,
Shalom, Gabriel - Smolarz, Elisabeth - Sribar, Boris - Stellbaum, Gabriele - Stoll, Simone - Telkan, Arzu Ozkal - Thyes, Myriam - Tomas, Ruben - Toy, Silvia - Trullo, David - Tuoto, Arthur - Ulto, Melissa - Vallet, Alienor - Vatankhah, Parya - Vieira, José - Villemin, Pierre & Jean - Washko, Angela - Węgrzyn, Przemek - Wegerer, Roland - White, Lili - Whittenberger, Peter - Wiegner, Susanne
Yeomans, Erika - Ylikoski, Maria - Zalewski, Adrian - Zhu, Xiaowen - Zingerle, Andreas - Zywer, Monika

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