10 Nisan 2021 Cumartesi

NewMediaFest2020 '9 - The 365 Days Diary 12 September 2004 - Biennale of Electronic Art Perth 2004 The RRF Project

NewMediaFest2020 '9 - The 365 Days Diary
12 September 2004 - Biennale of Electronic Art Perth 2004
The RRF Project
13 September 2004
14 September 2004
Today is the inauguration of Wilfried's RRF installation, on the same day in 1998, the terror attack on Wilfried changed his life profoundly, and standing there in Australia only 6 years later is a particularly touching moment - for Wilfried & the audience when he is bursting into tears during his introduction. His RRF project is a global networking project - it is so difficult to honour the participating parties (artists & curators) in a proper way.
In 2020, The RRF Project is still existing as a design object - however as an empty shell - because nearly all linked objects are dead or due to the used technology obsolete - like The RRF project, so the project as such is existing for a user only as a documentation.
Bir dış giyim ve şunu diyen bir yazı 'Central Design Centre, Central AFE presents.. 2004X AGRICOLA DE COLOGNE: New Media Art Project Network RomanianYoungGuns 12 September 2004 Project RRF The 海 Biennale of Perth Electroni onic 2004 Art Version2.0' görseli olabilir
The BEAP curator responsible for Wilfried's participation,
Jeremy Blank
, has a particular relevance during Wilfried's residency in Perth.
Read the complete article on - http://retro.newmediafest.org/12-september-2004/ -

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