10 Aralık 2010 Cuma

Loop Festival, Barcellona, 2010, Spain

Visionaria al Loop Festival di Barcellona 2010

Visionaria è stata invitata a partecipare al Festival Loop con una selezione di videoarte.

Queste le opere selezionate:
- ANADOLU di Sinasi Gunes (Turchia)
- THE ROOM di Ira Eduardovna (USA)
- MENTAL TRAFFIC di Marcin Wojciechowski (Polonia)
- NOT WITH A BANG di Alessandro Amaducci (Italia).

Barbara Mottola, socia dell'Associazione, sarà delegata a rappresentarci nel meeting che avrà luogo del Forum del Medialounge del Hotel Catalonia Ramblas il 20 Maggio (ore12).
Prenderanno parte alla manifestazione alcuni tra i più importanti festival europei di videoarte: Videoformes (Francia), Videonale (Germania), Impakt (Olanda), Oslo Screen Festival (Norvegia).

Visionaria adheres to Lo Sbarco, Italy, 2010

Visionaria adheres to Lo Sbarco
18 2010 H 12:10

The Associazione culturale Visionaria adheres to LO SBARCO.

The initiative, promoted by a group of Italians living in Barcelona, aims to raise awareness and inform the general situation that sees the Italian media, education, art, culture and human rights in increasing danger. "We create bridges, not walls." Ship of Rights will host debates, seminars, theatrical events, film festivals. The departure is scheduled for June 25 from Barcelona, arriving in Genova on 26. Visionaria helps event offering a small collection of his short films that have contuttore wire as the theme of migration and cultural diversity.

The program: -"Il magnifico sette " Paolo Pisanelli, Italy 1999 - " Il diario dei salti " A. Masi, D. Pernicano, R. Gagliano, Italy 2005 - " Rienderien " Monica Petracci, Italy 2000 - " Ahyanan" Mahmood Soliman, Egypt 2008 - "Arafat and I" di Mahdi Fleifel, Denmark 2009 - " Discussion on death " Alessandro Amaducci, Italy 2007 - "Passaggio vietato" Marco Zaccaria, Italy 2009 - " Anadolu" Şinasi Güneş, Turkey 2008 - " And the sea came by " Filippo Fraternali, United Kingdom 2006

"Kapalıyız" Sergisi, 17 Aralık - 17 Ocak 2010, Galeri Kara, Ankara

Fırat Engin

17 Aralık 2010 - 17 Ocak 2011
Kapalıyız sergisi üzerine;Kapalı sözcüğü anlam olarak; açık karşıtı, geçilmez durumda olan, çalışma süresi sona ermiş, müphem, bulutlu, karanlık, gizli, saklı, içe dönük, dış çevreyle ilişkisi olmayan olarak dilimizde tanımlanır. "Kapalıyız" başlıklı sergide, bu anlamlara karşılık gelen bir tür içe dönüş haline vurgu yapmakla birlikte, bu kavram altında birleşen sanatçıların, toplum karşısında "dışlanan" sanatçının yalnızlaşma süreçlerini kapsamaktadır.
Özellikle Türkiye gibi coğrafyalarda, içe dönüş - kapalı olma hali tüm şiddetiyle yaşanmakta, günümüzde sanat - sanatçı tüm uğraşılarına rağmen iletişimsiz kalmaktadır. Topluma nüfus etme eğilimleri her zaman bir tür kapanışla sonlanmakta sanat ve sanatçının bilinçle dışa açılma hali anlamsız ve değersiz kalmaktadır. Bu bağlam üzerinden kurgulanan "kapalıyız" sergisi açık karşıtı olan kapalılığı kabullenme durumu değil, tam tersine bir tür direniş özelliği taşımaktadır. Bu direniş; dış çevre ile ilişkisi olsun ya da olmasın, bulutlu ve karanlık bir kapalılık halinin, gizli saklı müphem bir durumun ötesine geçerek bir tür içe dönüş refleksi ile kendi başına varlığını temsil etme direncini göstermektedir.

Küratör: Fırat Engin
Sergiye katılan sanatçılar: Ardan Özmenoğlu, Şinasi Güneş, Aslı Işıksal, Ekin Kılıç, Elif Varol Ergen, Erinç Ulusoy, Esra Sağlık, Fırat Engin, Guido Casaretto, Seval Şener, Zeynep Aran

(17 Aralık açılış)
Yer: Galeri Kara, Ankara

The First Biennial Of Oran, 27- 29 of november 2010, Algeria

Biennale d’Oran (Algeria)
27, 28, 29 November 2010

La première édition de la biennale d’art contemporain aura lieu du 27 au 29 novembre 2010 à
Oran, dans une cité en pleine expansion.
La biennale est l’occasion d’une exposition unique en son genre, présentant les oeuvres
d’artistes contemporains internationaux.
C’est une démarche culturelle et citoyenne car fédérée par l’échange humain et le partage.
Elle s’inscrit dans un triangle englobant le Musée des Beaux Arts Ahmed Zabana, le Palais de
la Culture et la Cathédrale/Bibliothèque d’Oran.
Initiée par Ali Chaouch et assisté par l’artiste et curateur oranais Sadek Rahim, la biennale
rend également compte du travail des artistes locaux qui souvent manquent d’espaces et de
structures pour montrer leurs oeuvres.

Selected Artists: Carolina Ariza, Sinasi Gunès, Mohammed Mussalam, Elisabeth Monian, Larissa sansour, Hugo Verlinde

Video’appart and metropolart organisation december 2010

"Anatolia" 02'18"
Şinasi Güneş

12 Kasım 2010 Cuma

TRANSVIDEOPLAY International Video Art Festival,17 - 21 November 2010, Junín, Buenos Aires, Argentina

TRANSVIDEOPLAY International Video Art FestivalDel 17 al 21 de noviembre en diversas sedes (anexo de la Escuela de Arte Xul Solar, auditorio del MUMA, sede de la UNNOBA y Centro Cultural Barroco). Artistas invitados de Uruguay, Italia y Alemania.

Curadurías de video de Cuba, Turquía, Italia y Canadá. Organizan Silvio De Gracia y HOTEL DaDA Arte Acción.

PROGRAMA:Miércoles 17

19 a 20 Performance de Silvio De Gracia “El regalo de Duchamp”. Espacio público.20 a 21 Selección del Festival Internacional de Videoarte de Camagüey, CUBA. Curaduría: Sandía Producciones. Centro Cultural Barroco (Rivadavia 103)

Jueves 18

20 a 20.40 VisualContainer / ITALIA. Curaduría: Alessandra Arnò.20.40 a 21 URBAN DISTURBANCE. Curaduría: Silvio De Gracia. Centro Cultural Barroco (Rivadavia 103)

Viernes 19
19 a 19.40 Ráfagas canadienses / CANADA. Curaduría: Guillermina Buzio.19.40 a 20.30 Presentación del FRAGILE PROJECT y obra videográfica. Charla de los artistas Verena Stenke (Alemania) y Andrea Pagnes (Italia). Escuela de Arte “Xul Solar” (Anexo – Altos de Benito de Miguel 31)

Sábado 20
19 a 20.30 Sección Performance. Clemente Padín (Uruguay), Verena Stenke (Alemania) y Andrea Pagnes (Italia). MUMA Museo de Arte Ángel María de Rosa (Roque Sáenz Peña 141)

Domingo 21
18 a 20.30 “Ráfagas canadienses” / CANADA. Curaduría: Guillermina Buzio. VisualContainer / ITALIA. Curaduría: Alessandra Arnò.
“Independents Performances” International Video Art Activity / TURQUÍA. Curaduría: Sinasi Gunes.

MUMA Museo de Arte Ángel María de Rosa (Roque Sáenz Peña 141)

“Independent Performances” International Video Art ActivityCurator: Şinasi GüneşAssistant Curator: Özgen Yıldırım
Participating Artists:Deng Da Fei (Chine) China Astronaut 07:26
Werther Germondari (Italy) Office 03:15
Silvio Javier De Gracia (Arjantine) Ego 00:45
Sylvia Winkler & Stephan Koperl (Germany) Metro Mexico 02:40
Alberto Magrin (Italy) Mary’s House 03:00
Gruppo Sinestetico (Italy) Cencored 02:30
Jerome Symons (Netherlands) How can I forget you? 03:00
Anders Weberg (Sweden) For Sore Eyes 02:17
Niki Sehmi (UK) Desecration 03:08
Şinasi Güneş (Turkey) Gicir 03:03

En la web:http://www.revistanoumeno.com.ar/noticias/eventos/transvideoplay-festival-internacional-de-video-arte/

Difundir este link, por favor...


III Festival Internacional de videoarte, Camagüey - Cuba 2010

III Festival Internacional de videoarte.
Camagüey - Cuba 2010
Relación general de Artistas Participantes. Selección final.

Nombres y Apellidos (Autores)
Cristin Bolewski
Uwe Schloen
Stefan Riebel
Anna-Lena Gremme
Matthias Fitz
Wifried Agrícola de Clonogne
Ava Lanche
Pascale Laurence Guillon
Francisco J. Vázquez Murillo
Jonathan Perel
Susana Pérez Tort
Valeria Stang Cesari
Gwenn Joyaux
Mara Paz
Roland Wegerer
Beate Hecher
Marcus Keim
Angella Conte
Cristina Amiran
Khalil Charif Hussein
Patrik Bergeron
Ali El-Darsa
Chris Dupis
Olga Chagoutdinova
David Yu
Marius Tanasescu
Maria Frire
Biying Zhang
Oscar Mauricio Salamanca
Ivonne Navas
Tulio Restrepo Echeverri
Juan Zapata
Carlos Aguasaco
Roy Carvajal Valverde
Fernando Rodríguez Falcón (INVITADO)
Duniesky Martín Urgellés
Amilkar Ferias Flores
Angel Alonso (INVITADO)
Celia Gonzáles Álvarez
Darío Pérez Dieguez
Renier Quer Figueredo
Yunior Aguiar Perdomo
Ricardo Miguel Hernández Acevedo
Javier Castro Rivera
Camila García Enríquez
Erian Ruiz Montano
Loreta Corral García
Yamit Ramírez González
Abdel de la Campa Escaig
Amed Laza Muñoz
Alain Pérez Soca
Rigoberto Díaz Martínez
Alberto Santos Casas
Maykel Pimentel Marrero
Raydel G Pimentel Marrero
Yadniel Padrón Aguilera
Hamlet Armas Pérez
Jorge Luís Bradshaw Venzant
Daniel Álvarez de Toledo Murciego
Samir Bernárdez Cabrera
Néstor R. Siré Mederos
Nelson Jalil
Yonney Martin
Anahiz Martínez Lastre
Jorge Luís Santana Pérez (INVITADO)
Luís Enrique López-Chávez Pollan
Yauris Ginarte Aliaga
Juan Figuerola Paz
Ángel Adrián López Sánchez
Vislodis Chacón Araño
Maria Paula Arias Falconi
Roman Ljubimov Dacko
Bartolomé Ferrando (INVITADO)
Javier Marisco
Beatriz Minguez de Molina
Silvia Hernández Muñoz
Francisco Lopez Alonso
Matías Montarcé
Toni Simo Mulet
Felip Prunyonosa Porcar
Miquel Garcia Membrado
Roser Teresa Gerona
Ana Maria Torres
Maarit Murka
Simone Bailey
Nicole Rademacher
Andrés Tapia-Urzúa (INVITADO)
Kris Mortensen
Owen Carson
Kasey Drzazga
Zach Christy
Muriel Montini
Malena Santillana
Lisa Tafani
Younes Baba- Ali
Jean-Gabriel Periot
Konstantinos-Antonios Goutos
Corrine Bot
Gabriel Vallecillo
Suman Samajpati
Sounar Roy Chowdhury
Richard O Sullivan
Michael Douglas Hawk
Anahita Hekmat
Paul O Donoghue
Francesca Fini
Melissa Bruno
Diego Fiori
Santini Micchele – Lemech42
Marco Balduchi
Hamza Halloubi
Víctor Martínez
Paula Godinez
Miguel Ángel Estévez
Laura García
Said Dokins
Angela Sandoval Uhthoff
Muricio Rodríguez
Emeka Udemba
Thomas Rummelhoft
Carlos Troncoso
Mihai Grecu
Henrik Hedinge
Myriam Thyes
Sinasi Gunes

Art Channel, Television as art, France, 2010

Pascal Fendrich, Pure Evil, Sharon Paz, Marc Goedert, Eduardo Gomez, Olivier Guichard, Louis Montagne, Joachim Lapotre, Jeremie Duriez, Siegfried Bacher, Hans-Henrik Juhl, Santune Frederique, David Balade, Angelika Markul, Miro Hajnc, Ivan Vasic, Thomas Tyman, Scott Pagano, Robert Siedel, Phoenix Perry, Arnold Steiner, Scot Arford, Motomichi Nakamura, Tronic Studio, Magnetic Stripper, Nika Offenbac, Devan Simunovich, Linda See, Jude Greenaway, Ben Sheppee, D-Fuse, David Robert, Jaron Albertin, Actop, Sue Costabile, Kristen Chappa, Tenzin Wangchuck, Chris Musgrave, Borjana Ventzislavova, Nathalie Delpech, Metatonik, Irene Tetaz, Jeremie Duriez, Laurent Mazar, Xanae Bove, Euvremer Jonas, Bruno Hubert, Mihai Grecu, Yannick Monsegur, El Geko, Duriez Jeremie, Igor Coric, Pouyleau Christophe, Jelena Tvrdisic, Kurtis Hough, Stuart Pound, Jerry King Musser, Dragan Papic, Neurotika, Nicolas Bouf, Brigitta Boedenauer, Andrew Barranca, Gabriel Grassioulet, Evan Tapper, Brigitta Boedenauer, Neurotika, Jeremy Laffon, Petr Zavorka, Enda O'Donoghue, Alejandra Olivares, Ido Fluk, Geogette Soh, Seckin Uysal, Dragan Petrovic, Sabina Speich, Doron Altaratz, Lile Stephens, Yseult Digan, Simon Gris, Gianni Godi, Linda See, Handiboy, Agricola De Cologne, Pascal Fendrich, Alec Kinnear, Arnaud Ducor, Olivier Rocques, Yannick Monsegur, Duriez Jeremie, Tomoya Matsuno, Simon Gris, Jerry Sanguiliano, Shim Beomsik, Jerry Sanguiliano, Helene Bouquin, Naho Taruishi, Giga Chkheidze, Darinka Guevara, Marcelo Borges, Patrice Manillier, AMC, Vishal Shah, Ben Drewry, James Minichini, Timothy Rollin, Nathan Peracciny, Fabrizio Federico, Martyn Blundell, Ruggero Mantovani, Helena Majera, Jim Minton, Catherine Forster, Semiconductor, Fabrizio Federico, Alejandra Domenzain, Robert Pearre, Sabrina Montiel-Soto, Samuel Bester, Anders Weberg, Sinasi Gunes, Jerry Sangiuliano, David Blumenkrantz, Blank, Paulo Abreu, Mike Celona, Harry Walker, Thierry Bohnke, Alec Crichton, Gerald Guthrie, Axel Gimenez, Michael Greathouse, Medhat Elsoudy, Zoran Dragelj, Franck Schweitzer, Sylvia Toy, Patrizia Monzani, Daniela Palimariu, Somnika Pasqual, Thomas Porett, Bo G Svensson, Rick van Valkenburg, Michael Greathouse, Kristof Meers, Daniel Lisboa, Mikey Peterson, William Morris, Emiliano Ruggiero, Anthony Rousseau, Paul Ross, KeyFrameProductions, Cyril Caine, Eric Weets, Siro Cugusi, Geert Wachtelaer, Cristian Corradine, Patrice Goasduff, Stephanie Smith, Roger Vossenaar, Sean McHenry, Flavio Sciole, Jacklyn Soo, Beat Kuert, Agnieszka Dellfina Thomas Dellacroix, Jerry Sangiuliano, Roux Alexandre, Gustavo Schwartz


Çok Güzel Sergisi, Cennet Kültür Merkezi, Küçükçekmece, İstanbul, 3-31 Kasım 2010

Taşınabilir Sanat


Sanatçılar: Coşkun SAMi, Denizhan ÖZER, Fatih BALCI, Gül ILGAZ, Güler GÜNGÖR, Hülya KÜPÇÜOĞLU, Kurucu KOÇANOĞLU, Maria SEZER, Mehmet KAVUKÇU, Nazan AZERi, Selahattin YILDIRIM, Serpil KAPAR, Sibel BALCI, şakir GÖKÇEBAĞ, şinasi GÜNEŞ

2 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi

Orebro Video Art Festival- 3 October 2010- Sweden

Silvio De Gracia Video Play Argentina
Sunday 3 October 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Bio Roxy, Salong Olaigatn 19

PROGRAMME - curated by Silvio De Gracia

Liquid Fear 10:52 min Suka Off, Poland
Icarus - A yearning to fly 2:26 min Eva Drangsholt, Norway
Block game 3:20 min Kim Youn Hoan, South Korea
85% 2:47 min Guillermina Buzio, Argentina / Canada
After the sheep 3:41 min Sinasi Günes, Turkey
No parking 4:00 min Tulio Restrepo, Colombia
Whiteness 5:40 min Igor Bosnjak, Serbia
Why don´t you love me? 1:50 min Marta Moreno Muñoz, Spain

2. ÇANAKKALE BİENALİ- 20 Eylül-10 Ekim 2010

“Kurgusal Gerçekler, Dönüşümler / Fictional Realities, Transformations”
20 Eylül-10 Ekim 2010

Küratörler / Curators Denizhan Özer Seyhan Boztepe
Koordinatör / Coordinator İsmail Erten
Asistan Küratör / Assistant Curator Elisabeth Del Prete

Katılımcı Sanatçılar / Artists
Gabriel Adams (Photo, Installation)

Almanya / Germany
Ali Dolanbay (Painting)Anna Jakupovich (Installation)Holger John (Drawing)Joachim Seinfeld (Photo pentur)Kai Bornhoeft (Photo)Pfelder (Open space project)Sylvia Ludtke (Painting)

Bangladeş / Bangladesh
Nazia Andaleeb (Painting)
Çek Cumhuriyeti / Chec RepublicMarek (Installation)

Ermenistan / ArmaniaArman Tadevosyan (Painting)

Fransa / France
Acm (Photo)Ali Umut Ergin (Video)Coline Mangold (Photo)Francois Dereaux (Video)Herve Szydlowski (Photo)Lionel Loetscher (Installation, painting)Lorand Revault (Video)Onay Akbas (Painting)

Güney Kore / South Korea
Hyun Soo-Oh (Painting) Park Byoung (Installation)
Gürcistan / GeorgiaIlico Zautashvili (Installation)

İngiltere / U:K:
Bruce Allan (Photo)Elvan Erdin (Painting)Maslen&Mehra (Photo)Nick Morley (Print)Oscar Murillo (Photo, video)Simon Faithfull (Photo, video)Stella Capes (Video, Photo)Paul Eachus (Drawing, photo)Victoria Rance (Photo, Sculpture)

İran / IranZory Shahrakhi (Photo)

İspanya / SpainRoger Guaus (Slayt Show, Photo)

İsviçre / SwitzerlandSimone Zaug (Out door project, Photo)

İtalya / ItalyAlessandro Lupi (Installation)

Japonya / JapanEizo Sakata (Installation, Performance)Jun'ichiro ishii (Installation)

Kanada / CanadaAlina Gavrielatos (Installation)Lorrain Field (Photo)

Romanya / RomaniaMinerva Cubbasa (Drawing)

Slovenya / SloveniaMiha Colner (Photo)

Türkiye / Turkey
Ahmet Sipahioğlu (3D Drawing)Ardan Özmenoğlu (Installation)Argun Okumuşoglu (Wall installation, video)Ali Kılıç (Installation)Ayda Su Nuroğlu (Installation)Caner Karakaş (İnstallation, Sculpture)Cengiz Uğur (Painting)Ceren Selmanpakoğlu (Installation, photo)Dilara Akay (Installation)Evren Sungur (Painting)Gül Ilgaz (Video)Hakan Onur (Painting)Haydar Özay (Painting)İbrahim Koç (Installation)İstanbul Dans Tiyatrosu (Dance)Meryem Denizkıran (Installation)Murat Germen (Digital Photo)Mustafa Horasan (Installation)Mürüvvet Türkylmaz (Installation)Onur Demirbasa (Dance, Performance)Özgür Korkmazgil (Painting)Pet 05 (Street Art, Grafiti)Resul Aytemur (Painting)Selahattin Yıldırım (Painting)Suat Anar (Painting)
Şinasi Güneş (Video) Uğurcan Akyüz (Painting)Umut Germeç (Installation)Yeşim Şahin (Sculpture)Zeynep Bingöl Çiftçi (Digital Photo)
Yeni Zelanda / New ZealandLisa Benson (Photo)

Yunanistan / Greece
Anna Maria Pinaka (Video)Tita Bonatsou (Photo)

Fevzipaşa Mahallesi Metruk Mekanlar Çanakkale Deniz Müzesi, Muavenet-i Milliye sanat Galerisi Belediye Eski Deposu (Otogar içi) Halk Bahçesi Su Deposu Çanakkale Kordon Marina Çanakkale Kordon Marina Çekek Yeri (Film Gösterimi) Eski Ermeni Kilisesi (ÇOMÜ GSF Deneme Sahnesi) Erkan Yavuz Deneysel Sanat Atölyesi Yazar ve Sanatçı Evi Korfmann Kütüphanesi Eski Er Hamamı

2nd Moving Frames Festival-24-25 September 2010 Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece

2nd Moving Frames Festival

24-25 September 2010
Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece
Digital art in the heart of the public space of the city

FUNDADA ARTISTS' FILM FESTIVAL_14th - 20th August 2010 Square Chapel, Halifax, UK

14th - 20th August 2010 Square Chapel, Halifax, UK

Launch event: Saturday 14th August, 2-4pm

Lunchtime screenings: Monday 16th - Friday 20th August, 12-2pm

Kevin Boniface (UK), Alice Bradshaw (UK), Adam Brandon (UK), Sara Brannan (UK), Sarah Buckius (USA), Jane & Mike Chavez-Dawson (UK), Çağlar Çetin (TR), David Cochrane (UK), Robert Crosse (UK), Keren Cytter (DE), eddie d (NL), John Deller (UK), Doplgenger (SRB), Eagle & Feather (UK), Sarah Filmer (UK), Şinasi Güneş (TR), Maggie Hall (UK), Sarah Harbridge (UK), Clare Harris (UK), Max Hattler (UK), Sam Holden (UK), Robin Kiteley & Samuel Stocks (UK), Sai Hua Kuan (SG/UK), Lemeh42 (IT), Lernert & Sander (NL), Sarah Lüdemann (DE), Rä di Martino (BE), Joanne Masding (UK), Fumiko Matsuyama (DE), Kit Merritt (UK), Vincent Meessen (BE), Milk, Two Sugars (UK), Lin de Mol (NL), Marlanna and Daniel O'Reilly (UK), Elodie Pong (CH), Sara Rajaei (NL), Thomas Rummelhoff (NO), Manuel Saiz (IT), Sebaldo (UK), Semiconductor (UK), Tory Smith (UK), Splitty McCheeks (UK), Jacki Storey (UK), Saskia Takens-Milne (UK), Paul Tarragó (UK), Tether / Grin & Slutsky (UK), Kathy Toth (UK), Jenny Triggs (UK), Barry Valentino (USA), Jorge García Velayos (ES), Katleen Vermeir & Ronny Heiremans (BE), Tom Walker (UK), Roland Wegerer (AT), Tomoyuki Yago (JP), Gerald Zahn

(AT)Curated by Alice Bradshaw & Nancy Porter

[self] ~imaging v.4_V i d e o C h a n n e l Cologne 2010

videoart in a global context since 2004

[self] ~imaging v.4

[self]~imagingartists portraying themselves in fim & video
is a new VideoChannel feature in 4 parts, consisting each of 25 artists videos to be published in May, June, July and August 2010.

Agricola de Cologne (Germany)
Hervé Constant (France/UK)
Irene Coremberg (Argentina)
Virginie Foloppe (France)
Roland Gerber (Germany)
Grace Graupe-Pillard (USA)
Sinasi Gunes (Turkey)
Stefan Hurtig (Germany)
Wim Jansen (Netherlands)
Maria Korporal (Netherlands)
Daniel Luchman (USA)
Jonathan Moss (France)
King Musser (USA)
Kika Nicolela (Brazil)
Rob Parrish (USA)
Robby Rackleff (UK)
Humberto Ramirez (USA)
Lara Salinas (Spain)
My Name Is Scot (Canada)
Gabriel Shalom (USA)
Boris Sribar (Serbia)
Katalin Tesch (Hungary)
Cyane Tornatzky (USA)
Sibylle Trickes (Germany)
Angela Washko (USA)
Wagner Whitehead (USA)
Doug Williams (USA)

6 Mayıs 2010 Perşembe

“Road to contemporary art “Fair and The Art Radio Roma Art Fair, Roma, Italy, 27th - 30th MAY 2010

“Road to contemporary art “Fair and The Art Radio Roma Art Fair.
26 to 30 may 2010.

Radio and Video as “Hybrid” forms of art experience
In Partnership with Roma Fair “The Road to Contemporary Art” and Radio
ART Fair Roma
18 selected international artists from Dubai Video‘appart.
18 videos artworks by international artists participating in the previous Video’Appart Paris/Dubai have been showcased in Roma concurrently with “Road to contemporary art “Fair and The Art Radio Roma Art Fair.
Video’ Appart, a video art festival and Its unique concept intends to bring
together an experience of conviviality and the appreciation of contemporary art. Video’ Appart fosters a “dynamic sense of exchanges” by a shared experience of art in social settings not restricted to the usual specialized spaces.

Paris – Dubai – Roma. The Road to Video’Appart International Video Art Exhibition
In cooperation with Metropolart Cities & Artists.Artists:

Artisti Ane Lan, Sinasi Günes, José Man Lius, Yun Aiyoung, Carolina Ariza, Sofia Bittebyer, Elizabeth Monoian, Jaanika Peerna, Surekha, Larissa Sansour, Luke Lamborn, Sara Lahti, Raed Issa, Katy Chang, Nada Al Jasmi, Mohammed Al Hawajiri, Lantian Xie.

26 maggio
Ane Lan - America, 2001-2007
Şinasi Gunes - Anatolia, 2006
José Man Lius - Selfportrait 4, 2009
Yun Aiyoung - Floating time


25 Nisan 2010 Pazar

“Visitors” International Video Art Activity, Canakkale, Turkey

“Visitors” International Video Art Activity

Exhibition: 14-15 May 2010
Curator: Şinasi Güneş
Assistant Curator: Özgen Yıldırım

Participating Artists:
Tintin Cooper (UK) Alamtini 02.24
Agricola de Cologne (Germany) Orfeo Negro 4:20
Deng Da Fei (Chine) China Astronaut 07:26
Werther Germondari (Italy) Office 03:15
Silvio Javier De Gracia (Arjantine) Ego 00:45
Sylvia Winkler & Stephan Koperl (Germany) Metro Mexico 02:40
Alberto Magrin (Italy) Mary’s House 03:00
Gruppo Sinestetico (Italy) Cencored 02:30
Jerome Symons (Netherlands) How can I forget you? 03:00
Anders Weberg (Sweden) For Sore Eyes 02:17
Niki Sehmi (UK) Desecration 03:08
Şinasi Güneş (Turkey) Gicir 03:03

Exhibition Place: Erkan Yavuz Experimental Art Workshop (Municipal Center) /Canakkale-Turkey
Exhibition Hours: 07.00-08.30 PM

“Rassegna Internazionale dell’Acqua – La Chiena”, Italy

Oggi l’inaugurazione della mostra “Le porte del’Acqua – le porte dell’arte”

Oggi l’inaugurazione della mostra “Le porte del’Acqua – le porte dell’arte” che si terrà a Campagna (SA) , spazio Utopia Contemporay Art ,aperta al pubblico dal 23 aprile al 16 maggio. L'Acqua e il suo futuro, la sua privatizzazione, le sue vicissitudini, la sua imprevedibile creatività. La mostra è una selezione delle opere più significative di Mail Art e Video Art delle ultime tre edizioni della “Rassegna Internazionale dell’Acqua – La Chiena” . Promossa da Utopia Contemporary Art e Visioni Future, con il patrocinio di Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali – Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della Campania e Città di Campagna, la mostra é curata da Cataldo Colella e Angelo Riviello. La mostra apre la XXVIII edizione della Rassegna Internazionale dell’Acqua in programma nella Città di Campagna dal 22 luglio all’ 29 agosto 2010. La mostra rientra nella XII Settimana della Cultura Italiana, 16 – 25 aprile 2010, promossa dal Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali. All’inaugurazione interverrà Gregorio Angelini, Direttore Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della Campania

Artisti presenti:

Mail Art Adolfina De Stefani,Alfonso Mangone, Angelo Riviello, Antonio Sassu, Barbla & Peter Fraefel (Svizzera), Birgitt Shola Starp, Carlo Iacomucci, Caterina Davinio, Celina Spelta, Cherie Sampson (USA-Finlandia), Costanzo Narciso, Domenico Severino, Emilio & Franca Morandi, Eva Rachele Grassi & Angelo Ermanno Senatore (Extreme Jonction) Francia, Franco Di Pede, Franco Scarano, Fulgor C. Silvi, Gerardo Marzullo, Giovanni and Renata StraDA-DA Ravenna, Giovanni Loria, Giuseppe Filardi, Ivana Rezek, Jasna Nikolic, Lello Bavenni, Luc Fierens, Mardyantoro Setyo (Indonesia), Maria Amalia Cangiano, Marilena Mercogliano, Naoya Takahara (Giappone/Italia), Peppe Esposito, Peter & Barbla Fraefel, Peter Fraefel & Angelo Riviello (Svizzera/Italia), Roberto Scala, Salvatore Vargas, Serena Rossi, Setyo Mardiyantoro, Sinasi Gunes (Turchia), Sonia Riccio, Teresa Mangiacapra, Veronica Longo, Veronica Rastelli.

Video Arte Alexandra Dementieva (Belgio-Russia), Andrew Eyman (U.S.A.), Angelo Pretolani , Antonio Patrizio , Beatriz Albuquerque (Portogallo), Billy Tran (U.S.A.), Bruno Sullo , Carmen Laurino , Dario Carmentano , Derek Michael Besant (Canada), Domenico Di Caterino (Italia), Emma Bowen (Scozia), Eric Legrain (Belgio), Flàvia Fernandès (Brasile), Flavio Sciolè , Gianni Iannitto , Giosuè Marongiu , Giovanni Loria , Gruppo Sinestetico , Derek Michael Besant (Canada), Hervè Constant (Regno Unito), Irina Danilova (USA-Ucraina), Iris Rosemarie Selke (Germania), Jéròme Le Goff & Delphine Ralin (Francia), Jorge Gonzalez Perrin (Argentina-Francia), Lemeh42 , Living Hearth Media/Osprey Orielle Lake & Linda Powers (U.S.A.), Lulu Lolo (USA), Marion Mahu (Francia), Massimo Lovisco , Michael Beauvent (Belgio), Raffaella Losapio , Rebecca Conroy(U.S.A.), Rino Telaro (Belgio), Roberto Comini (Francia-Italia), Silvio De Gracia (Argentina), Vincenzo Ceccato.

Le porte dell’Acqua – Le porte dell’Arte Curatori: Cataldo Colella e Angelo Riviello Organizzazione: Utopia Contemporary Art e Visioni Future Con il patrocinio di: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali – Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della Campania; Città di Campagna Periodo: 23 aprile – 16 Maggio 2010 Sede: Campagna, Spazio Utopia Contemporary Art, Via Arc. Carmine Cesarano,17 Orari: 17.30 – 21.00 Chiuso lunedì - Ingresso libero Telefono prenotazioni: 39 3925308870 E-mail: spazioutopia@gmail.com


CAMERA EYE ESSENCE, 2. deo video selekcije, Beograd, Serbia

CAMERA EYE ESSENCE, 2. deo video selekcije

četvrtak, 15. april u 16:00 mala sala

Agnieszka Pokrywka (Poljska), "Koniec/The End"
"The End“ („Kraj“) je inspirisan delom „Klanica-Pet“ Kurt-a Vonnegut-a. Glavni lik knjige, zahvaljući svojim specijalnim sposobnostima, gleda dokumentarac o II svetskom ratu unazad. Citati koji opisuju šta je video posmatrajući ovaj TV program je scenario za video „The End“.

Henry Gwiazda (SAD), "On the roof"
Ovaj video govori o koreografiji u realnom vremenu, o svemu u pokretu i interakciji kako bi se stvorila lepota. Svaka mala, koreografska scena može biti viđena zasebno i kao takva ima drugačije značenje.

Paul O’Donoghue aka Ocusion (Irska), "Chasing Waves"
Metaforička potraga za mestom spokoja, oslobođeni od buke savremenog života. Posmatranje elektronske verzije zapljuskivanja stvorenog talasima kao na morskoj obali, stalno menjajući se, ali ipak uvek isti.

Jen-Kuang Chang (Tajvan/SAD), "Drishti III"
„Drishti III“ je termin koji opisuje vizije jednog iskustva tokom meditativnog stanja. Oboje, kompjuterski generisani i semplovani zvukovi inkorporirani su da bi se dobili raznoliki sonični pejzaži koji se poklapaju sa vividnim, ali delikatnim vizuelizacijama.

Russell Chartier u saradnji sa kompozitorom Paul Botelho (SAD), "Confined"
Ovim radom se preispituje smisao ograničenosti koju mnogi ljudi osećaju živeći u velikim gradovima uprkos tome što su okruženi ljudima. Rad je izveden metodom sinhroniciteta: Botelho i Chartier nisu znali šta za rad onog drugog, već su, u finalnom produktu, spojili dva individualna rada.

Sinasi Gunes (Turska), "Batumi"
Umetnik se bavi onim što ga okružuje koristeći video kao dokument stvarnosti, istovremeno predstavljajući svoju kulturu na veoma interesantan način.

Robert Ladislas Derr (SAD), "Intellectual Economy"
Ovim radom se pokazuje kako umetnik udara glavom o zid sve dok zid ne pukne. Drugim rečima, umetnički produkt uzima formu ilustracije konstrukcije i dekonstrukcije umetničkog procesa. Rušenje zida označava se da je sam umetnički akt skoro završen.

Les Circuits Vidéo'Appart 2010

Les Circuits Vidéo'Appart 2010
12 appartements, 55 artistes, 17 nationalités et Paris comme parcours
Implanté au cœur de Paris du 6 au 28 mars 2010, Vidéo’appart est une exposition itinérante insolite présentant les œuvres d’artistes vidéastes internationaux dans une douzaine d’appartements, ainsi que dans desgaleries et autres lieux culturels.
Vidéo’appart est fédéré par l’échange humain et culturel.
La visite de l’exposition Vidéo’appart tient de la promenade urbaine.
Suivant des lignes de métro, trois circuits différents de quatre jours proposeront de nouveaux espaces d'exposition la projection de diverses œuvres vidéo et la rencontre des artistes encadrés par des médiateurs

Dates: Du 18 au 24 Mars 2010

Horaires: De 16h à 20h + 1 nocturne par appartement jusqu'à 23h

Pour des raisons de sécurité, les informations privés concernant les codes d'accès aux différents appartements sont accessibles après inscription.

1- Metro St Michel
Hôte Marc L
21 Quai St Michel 75005 Paris
Nocturne : le vendredi 19 mars
Artistes : Ammar Al-Beik, Alice Schÿler Mallet, Jean Charles Hue, Khalil Almozayen, Mohamed Harb, Till ROESKENS et Laurent Marechal

2- Metro Les Halles
Hôte Xavier
3 rue de la cassonnerie 75001 Paris
Nocturne : le samedi 20 mars
Artistes : Ane Lan, Florence Girardeau, Laurence Nicola, Nada Al Jasmi, Sinasi Gunes, SR LABO, Aurelien Bidaud, Sarah Lahti

3- Metro Sentier
Hôtes Aurélie et Morvan
14 rue Bachaumont 75002 Paris
Nocturne : le jeudi 18 mars
Artistes : Anita Lech, Aurélien froment, Brooke White, Maria Thereza Alves, John McIlduff, Elise FLORENTY, Hugo Verlinde

4-Arts et métiers
Hôte Alexandra
29 rue des Gravilliers 75003 Paris
Nocturne : le samedi 20 mars
Artistes : Anita Lech, Kai-Duc Luong, La guardia, Marc Molk, Maria Rebecca Balestra, Roberto Lopardo, Catherine Helmer, Alexandra Loewe

2 Mart 2010 Salı

"Video' Appart" Dubai Uluslararası Video Art Bienali, 10-28 Mart 2010

Video’Appart Paris/Dubai
Video’Appart Paris/Dubai is a city-wide event taking place in the hearts of Paris and Dubai concurrently from 10 to 28 March 2010. In Dubai, videos artworks by international artists participating in the Paris exhibition will be showcased in galleries as well as in public and private spaces including cultural centers and collectors’ apartments. In exchange, local and regional artists, as well as artists living, working and represented by galleries in Dubai will be showcased in Paris.

Video’Appart Dubai is the first biennial in the region dedicated to the promotion and exchange of international and local video art and artists. Initiated and founded by Indira Tatiana Cruz, a renowned video artist and curator, Video’Appart is in its 3rd edition in Paris.
Video’Appart Dubai is curated by Mamia Bretesche.

"Video' Appart" Dubai
Uluslararası Video Art Bienali

“Video' appart" Paris/Dubai Video Art Bienali, 10-28 mart 2010 tarihleri arasında eş zamanlı olarak Dubai ve Paris’in kalbinde şehir çapında bir etkinlik olarak düzenleniyor. Dubai de, Paris sergisine katılan uluslararası sanatçıların video çalışmaları, koleksiyoncuların dairelerinde ve kültür merkezlerini içeren özel mekanlar ile kamusala açık mekanların yanında galerilerde de gösterilecek. Karşılığında yaşayan sanatçıların yanında yerel ve bölgesel sanatçıların çalışmaları Dubai’de galeriler tarafından presente edilecek.

“Video' appart" Dubai, bölgede düzenlenen ilk bienaldir. Yerel ve uluslararası video art’lar ve sanatçıların karşılıklı olarak alış verişte bulunması ve tanıtılmasına adanmıştır. Indira Tatiana Cruz tarafından kurulmuş ve yürütülmektedir. Kendisi aynı zamanda video sanatçısı ve küratördür. Video apart onun Pariste 3. organizasyonudur. Video’Appart Dubai’nin küratörü ise Mamia Bretesche’dir.

Bienale Şinasi Güneş “Anadolu” başlıklı video art çalışması ile iştirak ediyor. Bu çalışmada “örtünme” “örtme” eylemi kişiselleştirmeden çıkarılmakta. Geçmişin kültürel katmanları Anadolu çeşitliliği kadar zengin değildir. Görünen örtünme modellemeleri, sadece bir jesti imler. Oysa ardındaki farklı sosyal roller bu çalışmayı “feminen” noktada sorgular. Anadolu ile ortaya çıkarılan video art, kendi kültürümüz açısından bir zenginlik gibi görünse de göndermeleri olan bir “tabu”yu, bir “mahremi” de beraberinde getirir.

Sosyal performansta ortaya çıkan kadınsal rol, belirli karelerde ortaya konan; “çalışan kadın”, “evdeki kadın”, “kocası yanındaki kadın” yöresel örtünme piskolojisini de ortaya çıkarır. Söz konusu tavır, beraberinde sosyal düğümlenmeyi değil bir kültür nesnesi haline getirilmiş “kadın”ı özgürleştirmeyi de sorgular niteliktedir..

Anadolu güncel olduğu kadar, pre/post argümanlarla geleneğin çeşitliliği üstüne görsel bir şölendir.

Bienale Katılan Sanatçılar:Alexandra Loewe, Ammar Al Beik, An Lan, Barbara Noiret, Barry Anderson, Brooke White, Carolina Ariza, Delphine Kreuter, Elizabeth Monoian, Farida Hamak, Florence Girardeau, Hugo Verlinde, Jaanika Peerna, José man Lius, Kai-Duc Luong, Khalil M. Al Muzayyen, Katy Chang, LaGuardia, Lantian Xie, Larissa Sansour, Laurence Nicola, Luke Lamborn,Maria Rebecca Ballestra, Maria Tereza Alvaès, Miyoko Caubet, Mohamed Abusal, Mohammad Musallam, Mohammed A Hawajiri, Mohammed Harb, Nada Al Jasmi, Rikke Lundgreen, Roberto Lopardo, Sadek Rahim, Sarah Lahti, Şinasi Güneş, Sofia Byttebier, Surekha Kumar, Tatiana Cruz, Yun Aiyoung, Zakaria Ramhani


20 Şubat 2010 Cumartesi

“ÇOK GÜZEL” Çağdaş Sanat Sergisi, İstanbul, 3 Mart-3 Nisan 2010

Aşk_Şinasi Güneş

Çağdaş Sanat Sergisi

Büyükçekmece / Kervansaray
3 Mart /3 Nisan 2010

İstanbul 2010 Kültür Başkenti etkinlikleri kapsamında, Taşınabilir Sanat Projesi içinde yer alan “Çok Güzel” kavramlı çağdaş sanat sergisi Büyükçekmece Belediyesi işbirliğiyle Büyükçekmece’deki tarihi Kervansaray’da gerçekleşiyor.

Küratörlüğünü Fatih Balcı’nın yaptığı sergiye 15 sanatçı katılıyor. Sergide yer alan sanatçılar Coşkun Sami, Denizhan Özer, Fatih Balcı, Gül Ilgaz, Güler Güngör, Hülya Küpçüoğlu, Kurucu Koçanoğlu, Maria Sezer, Mehmet Kavukçu, Selahattin yıldırım, Serpil Kapar, Seyhan Boztepe, Sibel Balcı, Şakir Gökçebağ, Şinasi Güneş.
Sergide video, video yerleştirme, dijital baskı, yerleştirme, resim gibi değişik disiplindeki çağdaş sanat ürünleri bir araya geliyor.

Küratör Fatih Balcı sergi kavramı ortaya koyarken, Taşınabilir Sanat Projesi üst çerçevesinin şehrin merkezinde yoğunlaşan çağdaş sanat ürünlerini periferiye kaydırmak olduğu fikrinden yola çıktığını ve bunun için “Çok Güzel” olarak belirlenen kavramın sanat-toplum diyalektiğindeki hasarlı ilişkinin gözden geçirilmesi amacına hizmet ettiğini söylüyor. Küratör güzelliğin sanatsal alandan değişik nedenlerle sürüldüğünü, ama güzelliğin ortadan kalkmasının sanat toplum ilişkisindeki kopuşa da neden olduğunu dile getirerek; amacımız güzelliği geri çağırmaktır diyor.
3 Martta açılacak olan sergi bir ay boyunca izleyiciyle buluşacaktır.

Kasa 10. Yıl Sergi ve Kitap Sunumu, Karaköy, İstanbul, 12 Şubat 3 Mart 2010

"Direct Channel" Video Art Activity, Çanakkale, Turkey, 2010



ponedeljak, 8. februar u 19.00 mala salaSinasi Gunes (Turska) se bavi onim što ga okružuje koristeći video kao dokument stvarnosti, ali istovremeno predstavljajući i svoju kulturu na veoma interesantan način.

Studentski kulturni centar Beogradul.
Kralja Milana 48 i Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 152a

25 Ocak 2010 Pazartesi

Time is Love.2, London, UK

Time is Love.2

International video art exhibition curated by Kisito Assangni

including artists: Michele Beck & Jorge Calvo (USA/Costa Rica)/ Sebastien Burdach (Germany)/ Jen-Kuang Chang (Taiwan)/ Angelica Chio (Mexico)/ Angele Diabang (Senegal)/ Sinasi Gunes (Turkey)/ Wim Janssen(Belgium)/ Robin Kiteley (UK)/ Bryan Lauch & Petra Pokos (USA/Slovenia)/ Frederic Nakache (France)/ Hege Dons Samset (Norway).

Tuesday 26 January 2010, 2-10pm
Admission free

Studio 1.1 Gallery
57A Redchurch Street
London E2 7DJ
tel : 07594163129
Tube stations : Old street / Liverpool street

” Time is love. Video, a media of our time.Question what would make that a representation takes place: body, identity, membership, rise, relationship to the other one…Offer a possibility of transcendence by the aesthetic experience.Move closer on the form and the theme artists’works of different generations.Cross variable temporality.Concern a glance the familiar and the unknown. Go out of the ordinary to stay there better.Invite, seduce, contaminate, modify the opinion, create a nearness.Sow a grain of love in a universe of extreme dehumanized dependence.Event of audiovisual exploration, Time is Love transgresses boundaries by giving keys to reach video art in a friendly and playful spirit. ”
Kisito AssangniPost-globalization curator

8 Ocak 2010 Cuma

TORNAVIDEO/ Video-Art Etkinliği _16 - 22 Ocak 2010 - Ankara

World is changing...
Art is changing
So is Ankara...

Thanks to globalization, technology, informatics and the internet, we are close to every corner of the world through just a “click”. The borders are disappearing and the area is expanding. Apart from the artistic dimension of this situation, when we turn back to our life, it is not that easy and colourful in fact, especially for the ones living in big cities and metropolises. We waste our time running from one place to another because of some reasons such as work, school, shopping, social activities and so forth. In addition to affecting our life style, the conditions of this era and its heady speed naturally affect the scope of the current art and its application techniques as well.

The fact that technology, informatics and the Internet is constantly renewing and getting more widespread has also affected the techniques used in art. Thus, multimedia’ has become apparent in the production of art. Art works produced by using computer programmes like Photoshop, digital press on canvas or on different materials, digital pictures, e-mail, video and audio recordings, advertisement ( display poster, billboard, TV, etc.) are among the most widely used practice and presentation techniques. Besides, an interactive expansion via technology and the Internet has had a place in art practices. The aim is to make the audience actively participate in the process of art production by using internet or sometimes by live performances or such activities. By this way, the borders between artists and the audience will be replaced by interaction.

Different from the traditional understanding, presentation and exhibition are not restricted to the galleries any more. All indoor buildings and also outer space like streets, in other words every place which belongs to the public space, is now used for exhibition. This is because in the 21st century, most of us have neither time to spend years in front of a canvas for a painting, nor time to go to a gallery and see an exhibition

Due to the reasons discussed in detail so far, bars/ cafes and such places are among the most convenient places for exhibitions. Among these places, the most convenient one is undoubtedly the “Tamirhane (repair-shop)”. (We are getting tired at school, at work, on streets, we are getting exhausted. Each of us is like a machine; we need a repair-shop/ TAMİRHANE). As for the Tamirhane, it needs an activity that will expand its horizon. It needs – ‘TORNAVIDEO’.

With the Tornavideo activity, it is aimed to bring every sector together whether they are interested in art or not by attracting attention to the video art which is the focus of the contemporary art and also to the exhibitions in public space. By doing this, it is targeted that contemporary art practices will become more popularized and contribute to contemporary art practisers by creating an alternative space to exhibit their work. Besides, our all expectation is to get rid of the prostration by bringing a new insight into art practices in Ankara.

The Curators of the Tornavideo Activity

* TORNAVIDEO : Screwdriver + Video = SCREWDRIVIDEO

TORNAVIDEO/ Video-Art Etkinliği
Dünya değişiyor…
Sanat değişiyor…
Ankara da değişiyor…
Funda Oruç ve Uğur Karagül’ün küratörlüğünde kamusal alan konsepti ile düzenlenen TORNAVIDEO Video-Art Etkinliği 15 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Tamirhane Live Music’de açılışını yapıyor.

Bar ortamında sanat yapıtlarının sergileneceği etkinliğin temel amacı, çağdaş sanatın odak noktasında olan video sanatı ve kamusal alanda sergilemeye dikkat çekerek, sanatla ilgilenen/ilgilenmeyen her kesimi sanat yapıtlarıyla buluşturmaktır. Böylelikle hayatında hiç sergi ya da sanat etkinliğine katılmamış kişilerin sanatla tanışıklık sağlaması için fırsat sunulurken, çağdaş sanat uygulamalarının yaygınlaşması, mevcut çağdaş sanat uygulayıcılarının çalışmalarını sergileyebileceği alternatif bir alan yaratmak konularında da katkı sağlamak hedeflenmektedir. Ayrıca, Ankara’da yapılan sanat etkinliklerine yeni bir bakış açısı getirerek, Ankara’nın sanat ortamında hareketlenme yaratmak da etkinliğin amaçları arasındadır.

Uluslararası sanat ortamında aktif olan sanatçılardan, Ferhat Özgür, Gözel Radyo, Hakan Akçura, Maria Sezer, Nezaket Ekici, Ozan Adam ve Şinasi Güneş’in katılımları ile gerçekleşecek olan etkinlikte, sanatçıların animasyon, performans, video-art gibi farklı tür ve içeriklerde video çalışmaları sergilenecek.

TORNAVIDEO Video-Art Etkinliği, 15-22 Ocak 2010 tarihleri arasında bir hafta süresince izlenebilir.

Açılış: 15 Ocak 2010 / 19:30
Sergileme: 16-22 Ocak 2010

Tornavideo Hits The Road For Some Repair Work On Contemporary Art!
Özgen Yıldırım
Sosyologist- Art Writer

Contemporary art makes another appearance in Ankara. A new exhibition activity meets the audience in a dynamic and energetic platform. With Funda Oruç and Uğur Karagül as curators, Tornavideo exhibition will meet the audience in Tamirhane Bar, a meeting point of the youth.

When we take a look at the recent contemporary art history of Ankara down the time tunnel, we see that; the 1st “International Asia-Europe Art Biennial” in 1986 was motivating for Ankara art community. This biennial chain continued in 1998- 90- 92 years. By the end of 1980s, a student from Hacettepe University called Salim Özgilik, with the moniker “Moni”, exhibited some installations and performances challenging the established order of art environment.
Founded as a branch of the first foundation university established in Turkey in 1984, Bilkent University, Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Faculty became the focal point of innovative artists. And a group of students from Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Faculty at Bilkent University formed “Grup Grip-in”. Grup Grip-in held the “Popular Myths and Graphic Image Circulation” titled exhibition in Ankara Anfa Altınpark Exhibition Center in 1992. In 1993, “Hangar Artistic Organization” was founded by Cebrail Ötgün, Murat Çelik, Hülya Çelik, Sevinç Akkaya, İbrahim Çiftçioğlu, Atilla İlkyaz and Cezmi Orhan. After making some important activities contributing to the contemporary art setting of Ankara, the organization split. The interesting “Gar Exhibition” held in Ankara Station in 1995 was shut in a single day. The installation of Selim Birsel, “Lead Sleep” is still engraved in our memories. “Youth Art Activity” has been organized four times, the first being in 1998. The most striking of these were “Youth Art-3” exhibition organized in Ankara Contemporary Arts Center in 2000 with Vasıf Kortun as the curator. This exhibition was really decisive in terms of historical process. If we examine this exhibition properly, we can clearly see that the artists in this exhibition today direct contemporary art movement in Turkey.
After that, the art practices in Ankara have frayed around the edges and seem to have run dry for so long. 2 young curators are making a stagnation-breaking contribution with the “Tornavideo” exhibition devoting all their dynamism into the work. “Tornavideo” exhibition activity contains the works of 7 contemporary artists: Ozan Adam, Hakan Akçura, Nezaket Ekici, Şinasi Güneş, Ferhat Özgür, Gözel Radyo and Maria Sezer.

The first Tornevideo exhibition artist is Ozan Adam, known for his experimental video and film works. The story of the artist’s film “The Two Names of A Testimony About The Execution of A Happening And A Suitcase Full of Broken Records” is mounted on some sequences from various stories in a sleeping man’s dreams. In another film of him, “Zymotic-Amaurosis: Contagious Arbitrary Blindness” he builds on how reality and subconscious are mixed up in a surreal way as a consequence of experiments performed on a blind man’s memory and dreams. The theme of these two films of the artist refers to psycho-social processes. And his film to be presented within the scope of Tornavideo exhibition is an animation. The music of this 1-minute animation called “Little Bird” is written by Ozan Akıncı. This animation is about the transformation of lines into shapes, then objects and figures by changing shape, and finally a spatial journey. This process takes place with a simple triangle turning into a pyramid object which is 3d form, then a cornered object after changing its shape, following it a human hand derived from this, and a woman figure with the re-forming of the hand, and finally transformation of this woman figure into a little bird flying in the tunnel of infinity. The artist finishes this animation, that begins with lines and turns into a bird figure and spreads into eternity, i.e. evolutionary process of forms with the idea of eternity ironically.
Another artist taking part in Tornavideo and describing himself as open flux artist is Hakan Akçura who lives in Sweden. The artist exhibited every document with the attribute of “mirror” requested from the persons on the internet according to their date of arrival in the “I Want My Mirrors” project leaving its mark on the minds of men. It should be noted that; Akçura also has some harsh and striking political works. One of them is the extraordinary video work he shot in Sweden with an individual named Abdulkadir Aygan, who once had connection with a terrorist organization and then escaped and settled in Sweden. Akçura preferred to spread this video known as “It Is Enough That The Truth Comes Out”. The “Open Letter to Swedish Migration Board” titled video of the artist turns the residence permit extension decision waiting process of the artist in Sweden in 2006 into a video performance, and he describes this work as “for the sake of accelerating this process for myself and to support all waiting immigrants as far as possible…”. The video of the artist to be presented in Tornavideo exhibition is again a video making reference to immigration and being an immigrant. His video “Catharsis” contains improvised actions of a group of immigrant youth in Stockholm. We can see the traces of being an immigrant in a foreign country, cultural entrapment, sense of belonging or shortly being stuck in between from the dictions, the musical tastes, dressing styles, dances and technological equipments of the youth.
Another artist in Tornavideo is Nezaket Ekici, a performing artist living in Germany. Taking every social fact as a subject, women’s problems being in the first place, the artist begins with expressing artistic actions with her body and turns them into a performance. Having also installation and video works, one of the artist’s projects “Self Diversity” is composed of performance and installations and questions gender, race and identity concepts. The performance-video with the title “Wardrobe” will be exhibited in “Tornavideo”. The artist stands before a two-door wardrobe half-naked and takes some clothes and puts them down. After this, the artist stars wearing the clothes continuously one after the other. As the clothes are put on successively, they start creating a physical pressure on the artist. However, the artist is insistent on wearing them. The artist’s insistence on wearing in her intellectual dimension clashes with the resulting physical pressure. This clash ends with the artist getting help from the individuals around. Emphasizing the naturalness of mankind at the beginning of the performance with “being naked”, the artist becomes distanced to this naturalness as she wears the clothes one after the other, and becomes alienated to herself first, and then the surrounding environment.

With his installations, works on canvas theoretically built on hermeneutics and constantly deconstructed, video art works where he interprets the visual sometimes with an ironical seriousness, and sometimes with a mise en scene language and his art aesthetics captured in the ordinary in all his works, one of the important projects of the contemporary artist Şinasi Güneş is “Obsession”. Seeing the light of day in 2005, this project helped to create a memory record in terms of audio art videos. The close ties of the artist with mail art have been actualized in his mail art projects on “Watch”, “Fundamentalism”, “Global Warming”, “Woman and Ecology”, “Gypsies”. Güneş also prepares street-art promoting publishes and fills a gap in this sense. He offers an alternative course to contemporary art practices with an e-zine named “e-benzin” published on electronic environment. Some of his videos area “Horned Toad”, “Anatolia”, “Batumi”, “After the Sheep”, “New York and Chewing Gum”. His video “New York and Chewing Gum” is built on the traces of many chewing gums deliberately or unconsciously thrown by people of New York to Brooklyn Subway floor. Having turned this performance into a book with the same title, the artist has completed the deconstruction process.
The artist is featured in Tornavideo with the “My Lovely Hats” titled video constructed again with an ironical and cynical mise en scene. The artist puts on several objects over his head like hats. There are art books, flower pots, bags, buckets, boilers etc. among these objects. Each hat refers to a social role and points to a character fact. The artist strengthens the sense of rhythm with a background rap song. We see ironic allusions in this video.

Ferhat Özgür, a contemporary artist living in Ankara, underlined and expressed urban progress of Ankara, rational and irrational results of modernism, city-individual and change facts in his “City Journal” titled exhibition composed of his photograph and video pieces of work. We witness the points underlined by the artist in the negative effects of recent urban transformation programs that eventually lead to “destruction” in metropolises particularly in Istanbul. A series of performative photo works of Özgür in historical places with the title “Jump", and also the “Jump” titled video of him creates some mise en scene situations with the artist trying to touch the peak points by jumping. The artist added city-individual dualism building and history and expended the interpretation perspective. Getting involved in “Tornavideo” with his video titled “Upper Garden”, Ferhat Özgür appears with a different theme. In this video, he shows the military greeting ritual process in sequences with the preparation to ceremony until the end of ceremony. The artist begins with showing ritual elements like cannon ball, helmet, shoulder mark one after the other, and following this, we see some sequences from the march of soldiers and greeting ritual, then the greeting ritual ends.

An interesting artist in “Tornavideo” is Gözel Radyo, who first of all brings together cues with music and as a pioneer blends electronic music with arabesque and oriental tunes. Some of the released music albums are “No-Exotic”, “Sound of the World: Turkey” and their fanzine is entitled “Güzel Mecmuası”. The artist creates versatile alternative works. The video which will be shown in “Tornavideo” is “İsyanbul 2010”. The artist acts in his own way over some scenes and dialogues from old Turkish films and achieves a comic effect. At this point, there are some experimental verbal rhythms streaming and they accompany the images in the background. The artist begins the message bombardment with smart cards and continues with microchips and ends with GMO. The artist associates these elements with Istanbul 2010 project as the name suggests. The artist makes use of ad techniques in the presentation of the messages placed within the video flow in critical moments. Therefore, the influence area of the video is extended.

Another artist in “Tornavideo” is Maria Sezer who states “Opposing the nature and trying to dominate the nature does not always bring happiness to people” and uses nature and time as a reference in her artistic works. Time and change are states where the artist makes the ironic and complicated association of these two concepts an object of inquiry in her works or naturally exhibits it. In one of Sezer’s installation works taking Rapunzel story as the center, the artist nearly creates an image of ladder with black, long and bush-formed yarns just like Rapunzel’s hair. Having assembled beauty and nature concepts with the sense of protection in this work, the artist designs original raku plates by using the special firing technique known as raku in another exhibition. Being a notable expert of transforming natural materials, the artist will appear in “Tornavideo” with her video titled “Swarm” created with similar operations. The video begins with the display of a colony of bees flying in the air, and then the movements of bees in and out of their hives are shown like a ceremony to the audience. Each entry to the hive means that a brood waiting at a cell gets fed and remains alive. Each swarm becoming a grown bee moves out of the cell to make honey.

I think the most striking element in Tornavideo exhibition activity including Funda Oruç and Uğur Karagül as curators is that; most of the internationally active artists in the exhibition consist of the rare independent artists in Turkey.
I hope this exhibition will precipitate art project initiatives and serve as a factor in emergence of new breath in the contemporary art scene.