Edition II of Cologne Online Film Festivalmore info on Cologne OFF
here will be launched online on 13 October 2006 and offline as a part of PI 5 Videofestival Szczecin/Poland and incorporates 33 videos and digital short film on the theme “image vs music“.
Selections of Cologne OFF II - are planned to be presented on
These are the selected and participatingVideoChannel "image vs music" artists
Andric, Andreja - Arrighi, Mauro & Buziol, MarcoAgricola de Cologne - Babel, - Battey, Bret - Bermudez, ChristianBlinkhorn, Daniel - Braun , Carol-Ann - Bundaberg Media Research GroupBurns , David - Capel, Matthieu - Capone, SeanCardot, Jason Paul - Day, Melissa - Drangsholt, EvaEinarsdottir, Unnur Andrea - Eng, Angie - Ferris, Juan DomingoFrenkel, Erika - Golan , Doron - Gunes , Sinasi Iurilli, Dario - KissPál, Szabolcs - Kraczyna, AnatolLast, Lane - Loibner, Bernhard - Lo Iacono, DanielMarri, Girolamo - McClymont, Alistair - Meredith , JenniMiller, Dennis H. - Mylicon/En - Obeid, Leticia El HalliOwenns, Jimmy - Paterson, Simone - Pellman, SamuelPeredo, Aldo - Pernot, Laurent - Pygar - Olim, Hugo & Ricardo, JoaoQuaranta, Dario - Roscoe, Henrique aka VJ 1mparRosen , Ann - Schubert, Theresa & Fehr, MoritzSeward, Rob, - Shalom, Gabriel - Towne , ShawnVargova, Xenia - Vuk, Sonja - Whitfield, Lee - Williams, Alison
NetEX - networked experiencehttp://netex.nmartproject.net/--> the common weblog of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:colognehttp://www.nmartproject.net/,the experimental platform for art and New Media from Cologne/Germany
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