Picture 1: Sencer Vardarman (middle) engaged in a talk with curatorsPicture 2: During mounting
Themes and Goals
Main themes are information processing and Sub-mediation mechanisms* in art, among these art archives and their usage potential.
Information processing in the global era is possibly even more important than the information itself. The difficulty lies in deciding whether the information is necessary or superfluous for our respective purposes. The larger the information quantity, the more dificult it will be to provide an outline.
Numerous information platforms, data bases and archives offer different solutions for different problems. And usually bring new problems with them. What are the problems encountered by those searching for information? What information is missing? What are suitable methods for supporting the disadvantaged?
The exhibition presents a visual abstraction of the curator as information user. Here curators participate as designers.
* Sub-mediation mechanisms are the actiities of art medaition that have as goal art professionals and not the public. they build bridges for example between artists ansd curators and galleries.
The project consists out of three linked parts:
The artists archive of the Berlin Pool will be available to the viewers on site in the form of a library with a place for reading.
A spatial exhibition simulation. An exhibition as a work of art designed by curators. Five curators currently or in the past intensively concerned with information processing in the arts that either live or work in Berlin, have been invited to design an exhibition from the archive of the Berliner Pool. On site, instead of the realization of these drafts, its simulation will take place. Instead of placing actual works, their outlines and signage will outlined on the walls and floor. The signage and descriptions indicate images available for viewing in the archive in the form of reproductions of absent works of art. The exhibition concepts of each curator are marked by different colored lines, layered in the exhibition space. The curators are free to invited artists outside the berlin pool, as well. In this case the portfolios should in the archive by the time the exhibition opens, and contain the selected art works. The exhibition simulation indicates a role reversal for the curators. They will be invited into a design process, in which they repeat their usual activities in an abstract form.Project ParticipantsCuratorsStéphane BauerCurator, director of the art space Kreuzberg Bethanien,
Zorka LednarovaArtist / curatorCaroline LundArtist / curatorDoreen MendeCuratorChristoph TannertCurator, director of the art house Bethanien
Shaheen MeraliArtist / curator, Head Exhibition, Film and New Media, Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Co-founder of Panchayat Library and Archive in London, which is located in the Harrow Learning Resources Centre (LRC) of the University of Westminster since 1997 3-Panel Discussion
Representatives from different institutions in Berlin will participate in a panel discussion. Themes are: Exchange of experiences and networking opportunities between various information platforms and art archives, information processing in art, efficiency and usability of the archives, static and dynamic archiving, support methods for disadvantaged groups, archives.... the participants are intensively preoccupied with information platforms. They either live in Berlin or their projects are centered in Berlin. Participants in the Panel DiscussionStéphane BauerCurator, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Database- Project of the Cultural Office (Kulturamt) Kreuzberg-FriedrichshainElfriede MüllerArchive for Art in the Public Domain from the Kulturwerk of the bbk berlins GmbH (cultural organization of the professional artists association, Berlin Inc.) Director, Office for art in the Public domain in the Cultural Office of the bbk Berlin, Inc.Sencer Vardarmanartist, Initiator of the Berlin Pool, information- and communication platformVlado VelkovArtist, Initiator of artnews.info , internet informations- und communication-Platforminvited ( confirmation)Katja Albers NBK Video-ForumEva SteinCulturebase, online Archive within the framework of the HKW partnership with the project Moderator: Doreen Mende REOPENING of the ARCHIVE February 17 6 pm PANEL DISCUSSION:March 05 5 pmOPENING RECEPTION:March 05 7 pmCLOSING RECEPTION:March 25 6 pmEXHIBITION: March 05 - March 25art transponder project space Brunnenstr 151, 10115 BerlinThursday 12am-5pm, Friday/Saturday 2-7pm
more information:
Shaheen Merali - Exhibition concept: The Future is always a possibility.... To strike a balance within the frenzy that is the contemporary art world is both challenging and an endeavor worth pursuing. In my time in the arts, I have attended many types of events that are constructed around the muses - from academic rights of passage to populist street events. But the current climate and cultural politics is definitely something that defies past experiences. It can be describes as a gigantic art fair - but this would be a rather primitive explanation of its paradigms. At the core of visual culture is something which can only be described as a highly ambitious location within which art tries to mediate all sorts of activities and ambitions. Albeit many of these activities remain organized around the model of the market - with suitable white cubes and dealers estranged by the plethora of public visitors who remain constantly as outsiders. , it seems, is heavily engaged in trying to produce meaning and periphery to the pre-described art fair mentality by producing a series of events and interventions worth elaborating upon. The current project Outliners, is an intelligent gathering of curators to help reformulate and construct a forums strongly focused on domestic debates within an international concern about the role of the archive, the archivist and the space for documentation. This internationalistic tendency acts as a centrifugal space for diaspora visual engagement as well as addressing issues of mobility and visibility- major issues within current theoretical debates about visual culture and contingency. Moreover, , is a noticeable invention within frugal economic times which allows empowerment as a key role in presence and absence on the international cultural stage. The 'curated' project is a welcome respite from the repetitive artworks found within many conventional sections of the art world, as is the dialogue orientated section dedicated to unearthing the complex renderings and applications of archival processes and projects. Such stimulating and worthy organization of continuing engagement within themes constructed around visibility have to be supported as they provide important vehicles or set of rules by which to evaluate the visual data presented in the field of contemporary statements. It is great to be cool but it is better to be informative to the many who are seeking some kind of inspiration from within the visual arts.
Shaheen Merali - Exhibition concept: The Future is always a possibility.... To strike a balance within the frenzy that is the contemporary art world is both challenging and an endeavor worth pursuing. In my time in the arts, I have attended many types of events that are constructed around the muses - from academic rights of passage to populist street events. But the current climate and cultural politics is definitely something that defies past experiences. It can be describes as a gigantic art fair - but this would be a rather primitive explanation of its paradigms. At the core of visual culture is something which can only be described as a highly ambitious location within which art tries to mediate all sorts of activities and ambitions. Albeit many of these activities remain organized around the model of the market - with suitable white cubes and dealers estranged by the plethora of public visitors who remain constantly as outsiders. , it seems, is heavily engaged in trying to produce meaning and periphery to the pre-described art fair mentality by producing a series of events and interventions worth elaborating upon. The current project Outliners, is an intelligent gathering of curators to help reformulate and construct a forums strongly focused on domestic debates within an international concern about the role of the archive, the archivist and the space for documentation. This internationalistic tendency acts as a centrifugal space for diaspora visual engagement as well as addressing issues of mobility and visibility- major issues within current theoretical debates about visual culture and contingency. Moreover, , is a noticeable invention within frugal economic times which allows empowerment as a key role in presence and absence on the international cultural stage. The 'curated' project is a welcome respite from the repetitive artworks found within many conventional sections of the art world, as is the dialogue orientated section dedicated to unearthing the complex renderings and applications of archival processes and projects. Such stimulating and worthy organization of continuing engagement within themes constructed around visibility have to be supported as they provide important vehicles or set of rules by which to evaluate the visual data presented in the field of contemporary statements. It is great to be cool but it is better to be informative to the many who are seeking some kind of inspiration from within the visual arts.
1 Nalan Yirtmac: no title graffities on window 2 Rey Akdogan: Waiting Room Installation 160x70x10 cm 3 Zorka Lednarova: Signs & Locations Interactive Installation 4 Neriman Polat: Jellyfish Video 5 Nezaket Ekici: Turkish Island Performance 6 Nezaket Ekici: Turkish Island Performance Documentation 7 Gabriele Worgitzki: Curb Photography 80x80 8 Gabriele Worgitzki: Anzeige Photography 80x80 9 Anna Kavata Mbiti: Grüße aus Saipan Postkarten, Acryl 10 Filiz Azak: The Friend Acryl on paper 132 x 112 cm 11 Onur Aynagöz: no title Photography 12 Onur Aynagöz: no title Photography 13 Sencer Vardarman: TV Scapes - Berlin Photography 60x80 14 Ulrike Helms: Dranbleiben Video 15 Banu Birecikligil: no title Painting, oil on canvas 100x100 16 Costa Vece: The soldier and his sentry box Performance with Sculpture 17 Norbert Wiesneth: Inzwischen Fotografien 2002-2005 Katalog 19 x 21 18 Extrastruggle: the one with Vosvos / the train / Ice gilt / the sleeping /the crying one with Vosvos Stickers (to take away) 19 Sinasi Günes
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