27 Kasım 2008 Perşembe

'The Cologne Online Film Festivals 1 & 2', Selfportrait, 2007

Via Duca D’Aosta 63/A Casoria/Naples/Italy
Tel/Fax +39 081 7576167

selfportrait_a show for Bethlehem_show for Peace

16th December 06 – 16th January 07

16th December 2006_6.30 P.M.

Agricola de Cologne
Antonio Manfredi

Media/Art/Cologne powered
by NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:Cologne

International Contemporary Art CenterNaples

Al Kahf Gallery Bethlehem Palestine
MAC - Museo Arte Contemporaneo Santa Fe / Bethlehem/Argentina
Officyna Art Space Szczecin PolandMACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art Rosario Argentina

51 photographers 42 video artists 18 multimedia artists
150 sound artists 100 statement artists

Selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem – show for Peace is a travelling exhibition cured by Agricola de Cologne and Antonio Manfredi in collaboration with the New Media Art Project Network in Cologne - Germany, of the Kahf Gallery Bethlehem_International Center/Palestina, of the MAC_Museo Arte Contemporaneo Santa Fe/Argentina, of the MACRO_Museo Arte Contemporaneo Rosario/Argentina, of the Officyna Art Space Szczecin/Poland and of the Casoria
Contemporary Art Museum/Naples, Italy.
360 artists, 260 multimedia, audio and video works, 100 texts of creative writing and visual poetry with one aim: using a common language of peace. The first day of the exhibition is December 16th, 2006 at the Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, the museum that will receive all the works of the exhibition, thus enriching its already large permanent international collection. All of the works are a metaphor of an universal code which expresses itself by means of contemporary media, such as photography, video and computers. The pictures exhibited here are the self-portraits of the artists, are the affirmation of a life aimed to the abolition of any cultural differences. Strong images and classic poses and a topic where no generalisation is allowed. The daily observation of the current situation in Middle East (or of any other country where war is part of the everyday life) through mass media has led people to be less sensitive to the topic, to be used to it also visually speaking. The images of the exhibition want to put a break to this situation and offer strong emotions. The tortures perpetuated during wars, the symbolic expression of a different culture, the words and sounds of a different language are the subjects of the works of this exhibition. The attitude of these artists is often to refuse or protest against the injustice of a war "sponsored" by a few powerful men. Sometimes it is just the vision of a different routine, related to a new perception of living/surviving. The voice that wants to be listened to, that wants to claim peace through art, is the voice of the artists whose everyday life and expression of their own artistic way is denied. In a "non-place" where there is just war, art still exists and affirms its own identity.

Graziella Melania Geraci

selfportrait - a show for Bethlehem - show for Peace

ARTISTS:digital video 42
Eileen Bonner/Great Britain Jack Messenger & Chirstinn Whyte/Great Britain Jen Ross/Great Britain Cynthia Whelan/Great Britain Donald Bousted/Great Britain Michael Szpakowski/Great Britain Reuben James Preston/Great Britain Svetlana & Andi Wallwhore/Great Britain Christina McPhee/USA Alice Arnold/USA Clare Ultimo/USA Vince Briffa/Malta Agricola de Cologne/Germany Lee Welch/Ireland Giovanni Antignano/Italy Oliver Griem/South Korea Sinasi Gunes/Turkey Nita Mocanu/Romania Andrй Austvoll/Norway Jeremy Blank/Australia Mireille Astore/Lebanon/Australia Miranda Mutanta/Australia Johanna Reich/Germany Theresa Krause/Germany Ilka Goetz/Germany Irene Coremberg/Argentina Herve Constant/Great Britain Nate Aldrich/USA Lina Persson/Sweden Carla Della Beffa/Italy Sonya Rademeyer/South Africa Melanie Perrier/France Jimmy Owenns/France Ane Lan/Norway Ina Loitzl/Austria Unnur Andrea Einardsdottir/Iceland June Pak/Canada Moon Na/Korea Sofia v. Bustorff/Portugal Ursula Bachmann/Switzerland Richard Jochum/Austria



Dutch Electronic Art Festival 2007
DEAF07: Interact or Die!From 10 through 29 April 2007, the eighth Dutch Electronic Art Festival (DEAF) will take place in Rotterdam. This international festival is organized every two years by V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media

CologneOFF I - genderscapes
VIP Art Gallery on 19 November 2007
see also:
http://www.skc.org.yu/redakcija.phpoblast=16&prostor=10&id=3386&year=2007&mon=11&lang=1 VIP Gallery Belgrade/Serbia
Mobile Institute Brussels/Belgium
24 August 2007
CologneOFF I screening program
Currently following slection from CologneOFF Iis available as a screening program

CologneOFF I - genderscapes 2006
selected filmscompilation - duration - 60 minutes
1. Rahel Maher (Australia) - Misstar : 2:002. Unnur A. Einarsdottir (Iceland) – Toilet – 3:003. Ane Lan (Norway) – Ane Lan – 3:004. Alla Girik and Oksana Shatalova (Kazakhstan) – Warning! Women – 3:125. Sinasi Günes (Turkey) – Androgen – 2:50 6. Beatrice Allegranti (UK) - In My Body – 4:007. J.G. Periot (France) – Devil Inside – 2:408. Ina Loitzl (Austria) – Snow-white and red like a rose – 5:009. Lorenzo Nencini (Italy) - Traviata – 10:0010. Elia Alba (Domincan Rep.) – If I were a… - 4:3011. Risk Hazekamp (the Netherlands) – Gay King – 3:0012. Agricola de Cologne (Germany) - House of tomorrow - 3:0013. Yi Hyung Kim – Women-World – 3:30
Caravansarai Festival
Istanbul/Turkey - 27 - 30 June 2007 -

VI Salon De Arte Digital,
6th Digital Art Festival Maracaibo/Venezuela - 7-17 October

1st Digital Art Festival Bahia Blanca (AR)
Cologne OFF has the pleasure to cooperate with 1st Digital Art Festival Bahia Blanca - 13-14 October 2007 - see also profile - organised by City Council of Bahia Blanca and Rattlesnake Productora , which is also responsable for the organisation of 3rd Digital Art Festival Rosario/Argentina - more details on -http://www.newmediafest.org/blog/?page_id=16

CeC & CaC 2007 being the 2nd Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave ~ a public global incident played out through February 9-10-11, 2007, in New Delhi, India.
Developed and presented by The Academy of Electronic Arts in partnership with, and in, the India International Centre, as an annual global occasion to collectively seek out, manifest, learn from, connect with and enjoy a studied broad canvas of cutting-edge participation & content from India and the world, addressing the Creative Empowerment of Individuals by the burgeoning spread of Technology across multiple streams of human endeavour.

'The Cologne Online Film Festivals 1 & 2' ~ curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne http://coff.newmediafest.org/ and http://www.agricola-de-cologne.de/ . Works include

* Genderscapes (Duration 50min.):1. Rahel Maher (Australia) - Misstar : 2:002. Unnur A. Einarsdottir (Iceland) ­ Toilet ­ 3:003. Ane Lan (Norway) ­ Ane Lan ­ 3:004. Alla Girik and Oksana Shatalova (Kazakhstan) ­ Warning! Women ­ 3:125. Sinasi Gunes (Turkey) ­ Androgen ­ 2:50 6. Beatrice Allegranti (UK) - In My Body ­ 4:007. J.G. Periot (France) ­ Devil Inside ­ 2:408. Ina Loitzl (Austria) ­ Snow-white and red like a rose ­ 5:009. Lorenzo Nencini (Italy) - Traviata ­ 10:0010. Elia Alba (Domincan Rep.) ­ If I were a - 4:3011. Risk Hazekamp (the Netherlands) ­ Gay King ­ 3:0012. Agricola de Cologne (Germany) - House of tomorrow - 3:0013. Yi Hyung Kim ­ Women-World ­ 3:30

* Image vs Music (Duration 60min.):1. Andreja Andric (Italy) - How the Music Surprises an Unprepared Listener ­ 0:242. Bundaberg Media Research Group (Australia) -3. Sweet Sounds of a Sugar Town: Raw to Refined ­ 5:584. Daniel Blinkhorn (Australia) ­ Resource 14 ­ 5:405. David Burns (USA) ­ Visual Orchestra ­ 2:006. Dennis H. Miller (USA) - Circles and Rounds ­ 9:227. Gabriel Shalom (USA) ­ Small Room Tango ­ 3:408. Jason Paul Cardot (USA) ­ Speye ­ 2:549. Lane Last (USA) - Ancient Rhythm ­ 2:3410. Laurent Pernot (France) ­ Still Alives ­ 2:3411. Erika Frenkel (Brazil) ­ Attention, Attention ­ 4:4012. Mauro Arrighi & Marco Buziol (Italy)- Softly Engaged­ 6:0013. Pygar - Hugo Olim/Joao Ricardo (Portugal) ­ on/off ­ 3:1814. Shawn Towne (USA)- Linear Succession ­ 0:4515. Sinasi Günes (Turkey) - Gicir­ 3:03 16. Sonja VUK (Croatia) ­ My Way ­ 1:0017. Unnur Einarsdottir (Iceland) ­ Music in Cake ­ 2:2318. Agricola de Cologne (Germany) ­ The Rehearsal ­ 4:30

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