27 Kasım 2008 Perşembe

59 Second Video Festival, New York, USA / 59 Saniye Video Festivali, New York, ABD, 2007

NY: 59 Seconds Video Festival
Alfred University – Alternative Cinema 20-03-07Room 114 Seidlin Hall at 8pm NY organised by Nick Dosch
Academia Internacional de Cinema 26-03-07 at 7pm Rua Dr. Gabriel dos Santos, 142 – Higienopolis Sao Paulo, Brazil Organised by Ram Devinen
1. 59 seconds (time is a convention) Cristina Pavesi (Italy) 2006 59 seconds … may be extremely long or extremely short, it is a matter of everyone’s personal living.
2. Weather and Traffic Project 59 (USA) 2006
3. and Football Project 59 (USA) 2006
4. Would you like to dance with me for 59 seconds? Anna Finetti (Italy) 2006
5. 59 Catches Regina Vater (USA) 2006Images of sailing and fishing as metaphors for works of culture.
6. AGN 59V Alberto Gallingani (Italy) 2006 59 seconds attacked with incursions of external facts.
7. 9-11? Giorgio Celon (Italy) 2006.
8. Inspector Collector Spoons Harley Spiller (USA) 2007
9. 59 Random Russian Words Igor Baskin (Russia) 2007 Russian language learning ‘Express method
10. Elevate Zoran Dragelj (Canada) 2006 Movement becomes a subject. Apparent motion is put into parallel with the artistic form of cinema.
11. 59 Views of the Ambassador Bridge Adam Glover (Canada) 2006 Many things happen at once especially in a compositional 59 seconds.
12. 59seconds for…love Serena Calò (Italy) 2006 Ti amo. 5 letters, 9 ways.
13. Angelo Riviello & David Bowie Angelo Riviello (Italy) 2006 same day, same month, same year
14. 59 Steps Hervé Constant (UK) 2006. Chilling tale of ones man’s descent into madness.
15. Fast Zoran Dragelj (Canada) 2005 A burst of imaginative and dreamy panoramas
16. A Finger Orchestra Jinho Im (USA) 2006 In a insipid daily life we usually hit fingers on things daily.
17. 59 Girolama Santulli (Italy) 2007 Both sequences intentionally overlapped generate a probable number, not a sequential one.
18. Frames with 59 repetitions in the study of a scream Carolina Kohan (Argentina) 2007 an abstract journey to reconstruct the scream of a baby.
19. Gold words for you Ricardo Morales Hernández (Puerto Rico) 2006 In daily living, we need words of wisdom.
20. Pen and Paper Emily Broadbent (Australia) 2007 A mysterious message is being written!
21. Roundabout Moio&Sivelli (Italy) 2006 turn the routine around a traffic island into a dizzy rhythm of sounds, lights and colours.
22. Plastics Gruppo Sinestetico (Italy) 2007
23. Prima di tutto insegnami la neve Anna Finetti (Italy) 2006
24. Recollection Zoran Dragelj (Canada) 2006 Psychological flashback that registers like memories or dream-like longings.
25. Stalker of Chaplin Nora Gergely (Hungary) 2006 Friendship, and the connection of soul in art and dream.
26. Time and its Measure Vincenzo Frattini (Italy) 2006 Establishing a connection between two elements, space and time, so obsessively present in our daily life and art.
27. 59 secondi per…/ 59 seconds to… Antonio Patrizio (Italy) A suggestive silence that tells how hard it is to communicate in our society.
28. Traffic Love II Traffic Love Collective (Australia) 2007 A brief interlude between two very different population transporters
29. Sign 59 Irina Danilova (USA) 1998-2006. Apex of urban minute
30. 59 Seconds of Pause Estelle Artus (France) 2006, with Alain K. and Christophe Gay
31. Songs of Israel Project 59 (USA) 2005-6
32. Perfect Family II Project 59 (USA) 2006 with Sarah, Rosa, Ilyusha and Zhenya Lidsky. Kids count.
33. 59 Worms Carine Doerflinger (Germany) 2006
34. To Rise Again Raffaella Losapio (Italy) 2006
35. Extracreato Luca Acito and Dario Carmetano (Italy) 2006, Sound: Heyehela Africa God is the creator in sixty seconds, Satan is the extra-creator in 59.
36. The Hair Gianni Iannitto (Italy) 2006. In Neapolitan culture, what happens in life is codified by numbers in “La Smorfia” with the number 59 meaning the hair.
37. 59 is the key Valerio Veneruso (Italy) 2006 59 solves the Sudoku.
38. 59 Days to the end … of the beginning Angelo Riviello, Gino Scannapieco (Italy) 2006
39. Burning Sinasi Gunes (Turkey) 2006
40. 59 seconds to be happy... Marco Villani (Italy) 2007 smoking opium, 59 on the foil.

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